LaTeX style for NUS Qualifying Examination.

Primary LanguageTeX

(tested for TeX Live 2017 + bibtex 0.99d)

General data definition commands

  • \author{<full name>} --- sets full name of the author;
  • \supervisor{<full name>} --- sets full name of the supervisor;
  • \title{<text>} --- sets work title;
  • \department{<text>}* --- sets student department (default: "School of Computing");
  • \publishdate{<day>}{<month>}{<year>}* --- sets date (default: current date).

Page markup commands

  • \maketitle --- generates title page using predefined data;
  • \afterpage{\blankpage} --- inserts empty page (to separate your title page before for two-sided printing)
  • \abstract --- switches the chapter numbering to "Abstract";
  • \acknowledgments --- switches the chapter numbering to "Acknowledgments";
  • \printmainbibliography --- creates a bibliography list (with a correct title, also add it to the table of contents).
  • \figures --- generates list of figures
  • \tables --- generates list of tables
  • \listings --- generates list of listings
  • \algorithms --- generates list of algorithms


Check this example for more information.