A Python-based Web application platform that integrates open-source tools and in-house projects for the purpose of monitoring and analysing a Smart Meter Network System. Python Flask is the Web framework was used in the development of this application.
This Web application was developed in conjunction with a RedTeamPlatform project.
Both projects are brought to you by IS Team 8 (AY 2022/23, Tri 2) from the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).
This is the directory structure for this GitHub repository.
ICT3211_BlueTeamPlatform ('/': Root directory)
├── application
│ ├── static (CSS, JS files)
│ ├── templates (HTML files for the 4 main features)
│ │ ├── admin (Admin pages)
│ │ ├── app_launch (App Launch pages)
│ │ ├── data_transfer (Data Transfer pages)
│ │ ├── spider (Spider pages)
│ │ ├── base.html (Base template for HTML files)
│ │ ├── help.html (FAQ page)
│ │ └── home.html (Home page)
│ ├── admin.py (Methods for Global Variables, Admin pages)
│ ├── app.py (Initialise Flask; GET/POST App Routes for all pages)
│ ├── config.py (Classes for Flask Configs; Methods for FTPS, Multithreading)
│ ├── forms.py (Classes for Flask Forms; URL validation for Spider)
│ └── main.py (Methods for Data Transfer, App Launch, Spider pages)
├── .arkime (Instructions below)
├── .database (Instructions below)
├── .datatransfer (Instructions below)
├── .networkcapture
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
└── scfami_spider.sql (Used by .database)
This Web application was developed and has been tested successfully on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish).
Python 3.10.6 is the preferred Python version.
This Web application was developed in the view that the repository will always be in the user's Documents directory (/home/$USER/Documents/).
Thus, please ensure that this repository is cloned to your Ubuntu's Documents directory.
If you wish to use another directory, modify the following two files:
- /application/config.py
Line 15: APP_DIR = "[New Directory]/ICT3211_BlueTeamPlatform/application"
- /start_SCFAMI.sh
Line 19: FLASK_DIRECTORY="[New Directory]/ICT3211_BlueTeamPlatform/application"
Refer to Launching Web application below for the correct use of start_SCFAMI.sh.
This Web application has integrated certain in-house projects at the recommendation of academic researchers from the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). It is advised that the following projects be set-up appropriately in order to use the full suite of this Web application:
One of the features of this Web application is to provide users with an intuitive way to launch 5 pre-identified local applications without having to Show Applications. It is optional to install these local applications (FileZilla Client, Wireshark, Zui (Brim), DBeaver, Remmina).
Detailed instructions to install these 5 applications are described at the end of this README file (Install Local Applications).
You may choose to use a Virtual Environment if you wish to do so.
These are the installation steps to install software dependencies required to run the Web application smoothly, without venv
- Update Ubuntu's repository sources.
sudo apt update
- Install Python3 software packages required to run the Web application.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Python Flask offers the flexibility to specify the IP address and port number to run the Web application. Verify that your machine's IP address and port number tally with the following two variables in /application/config.py:
- APP_PORT=[Port number]
- APP_IP="[IP address]"
Environment variables are used by the Web application and should be stored in the root directory /. It is imperative to create the following environment files with verified values prior to launching the Web application.
Credentials to connect to the Arkime project.
Credentials to connect to the MySQL database.
DATABASE_DB='[database name]'
DB_HOST='[IP address of machine hosting the database]'
DB_PWD='[database password]'
DB_USER='[database username]'
SECRET_KEY='[Flask config's secret string, generated with Python secrets module]'
Following which, create a MySQL database to use the full suite of the integrated Spider feature.
- Install MySQL.
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
- Configure a Root password.
sudo mysql
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '[new root password]';
- Create a new database user for MySQL that has separate privileges from Root.
CREATE USER '[database username]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[database password]';
- Create a database for Spider if it does not exist on this MySQL instance.
CREATE DATABASE [database name];
- Grant privileges to this database for the newly-created database user.
GRANT ALL ON [database name].* TO '[database username]'@'localhost';
- Import the database file /scfami_spider.sql as the newly-created database user.
mysql -u [database username] -p [database name] < scfami_spider.sql
Credentials to connect to FTPS Server on Smart Meter PC, and other settings.
CRON_USER='[Ubuntu's machine username]'
DEBIAN_IP='[IP address of Honeypot PC]'
FTP_PW='[FTPS password]'
FTP_USER='[FTPS username]'
WINDOWS_IP='[IP address of Smart Meter PC]'
WORKERS='[no. of workers to use for downloading of files via FTPS]'
Not sensitive, given in /.networkcapture.
By default, this Flask Web application is using a Development configuration as seen on Line 23 in /application/app.py.
Line 23: app.config.from_object("config.DevConfig") # Using a development configuration
If you wish to use the Production configuration, ensure the following:
Line 23: #app.config.from_object("config.DevConfig") # Using a development configuration
Line 24: app.config.from_object("config.ProdConfig") # Using a production configuration
A start script has been developed to easily launch the Web application. This application hosted on a Python Flask server running on the local machine.
- Move the start_SCFAMI.sh file to a directory of your choice.
- Run the command
sudo ./start_SCFAMI.sh
to launch the Web application. This will start both the Web platform and backend Scrapy service daemon (Scrapyd) which will be used by the integrated Spider feature.
Scrapyd requires administrative privileges to run its full features.
Open your Web browser and go to your machine's IP address (the APP_IP variable in /application/config.py) on port 6065.
Visit the FAQ page on the Web platform for detailed descriptions of the various features this Web application has to offer.
Adding on to Pre-existing Applications above, the installation of these 5 applications allow users to launch local applications that may aid in his/her analysis.
FileZilla Client is a FTP Client application to connect to FTP Servers.
Referencing an article by Denis Kariuki, there are two main steps to install FileZilla Client on Ubuntu 22.04.
sudo apt update # Update packages
sudo apt install filezilla -y # Install FileZilla Client
Wireshark is a packet analyser, primarily used for analysing Packet Capture (PCAP) files.
Referencing an article by Shahriar Shovon, there are four main steps to install Wireshark on Ubuntu.
sudo apt update # Update packages
sudo apt install wireshark -y # Install Wireshark
> Select <Yes> when prompted for non-superusers to capture packet.
sudo usermod -aG wireshark $(whoami) # Add current user to Wireshark group
sudo reboot # Recommended to reboot Ubuntu
Zui (formerly Brim) is used to analyse structured data files.
Download the Desktop Application for Ubuntu/Debian.
There are two main steps to install Zui on Ubuntu.
sudo apt update # Update packages
sudo apt install ./[Zui package name].deb # Install Zui
DBeaver is a SQL Client application to interact with databases.
Download the Linux Debian package (installer).
There are two main steps to install DBeaver on Ubuntu.
sudo apt update # Update packages
sudo apt install ./[DBeaver package name].deb # Install DBeaver
Following which, connect to a SQL (MySQL) database to view .sql records
Remmina is is a Remote Desktop Client application for POSIX-based operating systems.
It should have been shipped with any Ubuntu 22.04. Otherwise, there are two main steps to install it.
sudo apt update # Update packages
sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-vnc # Install Remmina