This is a docker image to runing samba base AD build from alpine linux. It's about 38MB. Samba 4.7 CAN NOT support Windows 2016 right now.
AD is binding a lot of services such as Kerbros, LDAP, NBT, File Sharing, Time Server, DNS, Computer Discovery and so on. These services packages is already building in this image. But you need follow the step to prepare it to working properly.
If you want the samba-ad container to provision a New domain, you MUST setting the container's resolv nameserver to, and you MUST setting DNS Forwarder to your existed windows dns server. The hostname write into the AD directory should specifie with --hostname option. Then, SAMBA_DOMAIN and SAMBA_DNS_REALM MUST use upper case. The docker run command example:
docker run --dns= --hostname=SambaAD --net=host \
-e SAMBA_DC_ACT=provision \
-e SAMBA_DNS_FORWARDER=windows.dns.ip \
-d leejoneshane/samba-ad
If you want the samba-ad container to join Existed domain, you MUST setting the container's resolv nameserver to your existed windows dns server. The hostname write into the AD directory should specifie with --hostname option. Then, SAMBA_DOMAIN and SAMBA_DNS_REALM MUST use upper case. The docker run command example:
docker run --dns=windows.dns.ip --hostname=SambaAD --net=host \
-e SAMBA_DC_ACT=join \
-d leejoneshane/samba-ad