CPEM: Accurate cancer type classification based on somatic alterations using an ensemble of a random foerest and a deep neural network
The paper is available here
Data is avaliable on below address because of data size. You can download the data and lable in here Somatic alteration information , Cancer type information
We recommend the below argument to use the similar verification method as this paper.
python main.py --epoch=120 --batch_size=16 --lr=1e-3 --inner=10 --outer=10 --ensemble --search --feature_selection
#inner: This argument can be 'LOOCV' (Leave One Out Cross Validation) or 'K' (K should be integer) for K-fold inner cross validation. #outer: This argument can be 'LOOCV' (Leave One Out Cross Validation) or 'K' (K should be integer) for K-fold outer cross validation. #ensemble: Whether you use ensemble model #search: Whether you search the optimized number of features #feature_selection: Whether you execute feature selection
- tensorflow-gpu>=2.1.0
- scikit-learn>=0.18.1
- tensorflow-addons == 0.9.0
- hdf5sotrage
To increase the performance of feature selection, we plan to modify the feature selection code to Tensorflow.