
This is a ROS package for collision avoidance Rpi car.

Hardware description

  • RPI model 3 with Ubuntu mate 18.04 OS
  • Arduino Uno
  • DC motor with encoder
  • RpLidar A1


  • ROS melodic
  • ROS serial download

System implementation

Package description

  1. motor_iface.ino

This file conteains motor controls code to DC motor. Including a pair of PID controller for both wheels, a ROS serial topic for receiving PWM value from RPi, encoder receiver and publishing wheel velocity to Rpi.

  1. src/odom.cpp

Receiving wheels velocity from Arduino, and integrating them to wheel odometry for localization.

  1. tf_publisher.cpp

Receiving wheel odometry from odom.cpp, and publishing it to tf.

  1. obstacle_detect.cpp

Receiving point cloud from RpLidar, removing noisy points, and clustering continuous point as obstacle. Calculating the nearest obstacle as repulsive force generation point.

  1. potential_field.cpp

Generating repulsive force from the nearest obstacle, attractive force from the goal. Convert the desired velocity to PWM value of two wheels by inverse Kinematics.

Run the code

  • Run up RpLidar node first.
  • Start localization node.
roslaunch [pkg_name] localization.launch

Should modify USB port of Arduino.

  • Start main node.
roslaunch [pkg_name] run.launch