To run an experiment you run the jar file and give it a few commands :

java -jar encranion-present-assembly-0.1.jar <path to output> <path to experiment definition file> <COM port on the laptop that the ESU is connected to>

Let's say you have an experiment defintion file "expdeftest.txt"

To run an experiment you first create an output folder. This is where the responses and timing of events (relative to the computer's time) will be written.

Let's say that this folder is located at "path/to/output/" and the ESU is connected to COM4

Then, to run the experiment, you run

java -jar encranion-present-assembly-0.1.jar path/to/output/ expdeftest.txt COM4

This will create files

path/to/output/responses.txt path/to/output/timing.txt

responses.txt has a line for each response. The first item is the "unix epoch time" (search that on google if you need to) and the second is the key code of the response. You can also google "key codes" if you need to. It should be easy to find a table.

timing.txt has a line for each event. The first item is the "unix epoch time" and the second item is the event.

You can use these two files along with the events in the EDF/bin file to match up the responses. timing.txt also allows you to see if the ESU has any delay, which is possible. It is my understanding that the timing.txt file should be more accurate with respect to when (relative to each other) the stimuli were displayed.

Parsing bin files

To parse the binary files created by this program (it won't necessarily work for past experiments) you run

java -jar encranion-present-assembly-0.1.jar readevents /path/to/XXXX_third_party.bin /path/to/where/you/want/the/parsed/file/saved.txt

Experiment specification file

To run an experiment you need to create a file which contains one stimuli per line. Currently sounds (.wav) and images (.png, .jpg, .gif, .bmp) are supported.

Markers must be valid signed 4 byte integers (you shouldn't have to worry about that). If you do not want to have a marker for a given event then the marker value should be -1.

The first line of the experiment file must specify the background color of the presentation screen. It is specified in RGB format. Each value of R, G, and B must be integers 0-255


The rest of the lines are started specifying the type of stimuli BLANK SOUND IMAGE or RESPONSE. Each type has it's own parameters:

BLANK specifies that the screen should be blank. The the first parameter is the marker and the second parameter is the duration in seconds. The following specifies a 2.5 second blank with marker 54.

BLANK 54 2.5

IMAGE specifies that an image should be displayed. The image needs to be sized correctly beforehand. The image will be centered on the screen. The parameters are the marker, the duration and the FULL path to the image. For example the following shows /path/to/yourimage.jpg for 4.25 seconds with the marker 6

IMAGE 6 4.25 /path/to/yourimage.jpg

SOUND specifies that a sound should be displayed. The file needs to be a .wav file. The parameters are the marker and the FULL path to the sound file. For example the following plays /path/to/yoursound.wav and marks the beginning with 14

SOUND 14 /path/to/yoursound.wav

RESPONSE specifies that the user is supposed to respond with some keypress. The key press is logged. The parameters are the marker, the maximum duration, and optionally an image that is presented (e.g. instructions). The below example as a max response of 5 seconds and shows image /image/path/image.jpg marker with 64

RESPONSE 4 promptimage.png 1 37 yesimage2.png 39 noimage2.png