
Code implementation for the paper "Relating Human Perception of Musicality to Prediction in a Predictive Coding Model"

Primary LanguagePython

This repository contains the implementation for the paper:

Nikolas McNeal*, Jennifer Huang*, Aniekan Umoren, Shuqi Dai, Roger Dannenberg, Richard Randall, Tai Sing Lee


We explore the use of a neural network inspired by predictive coding for modeling human music perception. This network was developed based on the computational neuroscience theory of recurrent interactions in the hierarchical visual cortex. When trained with video data using self-supervised learning, the model manifests behaviors consistent with human visual illusions. Here, we adapt this network to model the hierarchical auditory system and investigate whether it will make similar choices to humans regarding the musicality of a set of random pitch sequences. When the model is trained with a large corpus of instrumental classical music and popular melodies rendered as mel spectrograms, it exhibits greater prediction errors for random pitch sequences that are rated less musical by human subjects. We found that the prediction error depends on the amount of information regarding the subsequent note, the pitch interval, and the temporal context. Our findings suggest that predictability is correlated with human perception of musicality and that a predictive coding neural network trained on music can be used to characterize the features and motifs contributing to human perception of music.



To build the music-prediction conda environment, run the following commands:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate music-prediction


To train on the Medley-solos-DB dataset, first download the Medley-solos-DB dataset from Zenodo and place it in ./train_data.

If desired, change any parameters or the name of the saved model in the train file, and run python train.py

Alternatively, use a pre-trained model from the models/ folder. The model used in the paper is prednet-4layer-3seconds.pt, which is a 4-layer PredNet trained on 3-second clips from the Medley-solos-DB dataset.


To obtain the average prediction error for each test sequence, run python test.py. The average MSE for each test sequence will be output in the console.

The test file will also save mses.npy, which contains the prediction error of every frame of every sequence.

mses[0] returns the ordered names of the test sequences

mses[1] returns the errors of all 50 * n sequences, where n is the number of shifted runs as determined by rng in the test file (default=1)

mses[1][i] returns the errors of the ith sequence

mses[1][i][j] returns the error of the jth frame in the ith sequence

A visualization of our approach to obtaining a resolution of one time-unit is available in the spreadsheet test-results.xlsx. Data from mses.npy is input into the first nine ten sheets, and the last sheet demonstrates the computations to obtain the context effect (normalized non-musical error minus normalized musical error).


Our work is currently under peer review. If you found our work useful, please consider citing our pre-print:

      title={Relating Human Perception of Musicality to Prediction in a Predictive Coding Model}, 
      author={McNeal, Nikolas and Huang, Jennifer and Umoren, Aniekan and Dai, Shuqi and Dannenberg, Roger and Randall, Richard and Lee, Tai-Sing},


If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author, Tai Sing Lee, through email: taislee@andrew.cmu.edu