
This is repository for several twitter bot projects. I made two twitter bots.

[1] 오늘의 뮤지컬 스케쥴
[2] 지금 공연중인 뮤지컬 알림봇

Update 2023-0507

트위터의 API 유료화 정책으로 인해 두 봇의 운영을 종료했다. 오늘의 뮤지컬 스케쥴은 2021년 10월 부터, 지금 공연중인 뮤지컬 알림봇은 2021년 5월 부터 운영을 했다. 2년 동안 유지보수를 한 봇들의 운영을 종료하게 되어 아쉽고, 추후에 다시 운영할 방안을 고민할 예정이다.

스크린샷 2023-05-07 오후 9 32 11

스크린샷 2023-05-07 오후 9 32 31

Basic system architecutre for the pojects is looking like this.
updated_twitter drawio (1)

[1] 오늘의 뮤지컬 스케쥴

Start Date 2021-12-25
End Date 2021-12-25
Twitter Account @today_perform

Purpose of Project

9 months ago, I built 'Now playing performance in Korea Bot' program. But it was only about which musicals are now playing in Korea.
I wanted to make a musical bot with more information just like casting. Because most of musical fans think casting of the day is the most important part of the performance. They decide getting a ticket or not with casting info. So I built new one.

development stack

stack info
Backend language python
Backend api twitter api
Server Ubuntu 20
Scheduler Linux cron job

Demo Image

[2] 지금 공연중인 뮤지컬 알림봇

Start Date 2021-03-30
End Date 2021-05-11
Twitter Account @now_performKr

Purpose of Project

I watch musical once per month. Everytime when I reserve tickets, I have to go check which musical is now playing and it's bothering me a little. So I thought maybe it will be way easier for me to have a twitter bot about on-going musical in Korea. I also figured that musical and acting are like package because of this, I added acting info too.

development stack

stack info
Backend language python
Backend api twitter api
Server Ubuntu 20
Scheduler Linux cron job

Demo Image

Sample 1 Sample2