Genetic Algorithm for fleet management

a humble attempt at reimplenting an optimization algorithm for a fleet management system, in rust.

Genetic algorithm is a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm.

Optimization flow

|           |
|       Mating Pool
^           |
|       Parents selection
|           |
^       Mating------------- 1. Crossover
|           |               2. Mutation
            | (Termination criteria reached)
        best solution, best utility


It was originally coded in python, and though the algorithm works, but it didn't work out as i had wanted to. no idea what is wrong.

When count_limit nears 20, the code doesn't return any output. no idea why.

Paper References

  1. Efficient genetic algorithms for optimal assignment of tasks to teams of agents
  2. Optimization of task assignment to collaborating agents
  3. Solving task allocation to the worker using Genetic Algorithms
  4. Multi-heuristic dynamic task allocation using genetic algorithms in a heterogeneous distributed system
  5. Genetic algorithm for task allocation in UAV Cooperative Control