
A tiny foundation for building fast router via Radix Tree strategy , high performance alternative for famous path-to-regexp。

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

A tiny(3kb) foundation for building fast router via Radix Tree strategy , high-performance alternative for famous path-to-regexp

You can use it both in browser or Node.js.


npm i path-to-tree


const ptt = require('path-to-tree');

const tree = ptt()

tree.add('/user/:id', 2);

const { param } = tree.find('/user/1')

 * ==> {
 *  param: {
 *     id: "1" 
 * } ,
 * marker: 2
 * }
 * /


ptt( routeMap )

create tree instance


  • routeMap: route map to add
const tree = ptt({
    '/blog/:id': 'blog',
    '/user/:id': 'user'

as same as

const tree = ptt()

tree.add( '/blog/:id', 'blog')
tree.add( '/user/:id', 'user')

tree.add( route, marker [, option ])

add a route pattern

  • route: route string like /api/blog/:id
  • marker: route marker which will return by find
  • option: route config
    • strict: when false , trailing delimiter is optional. (default: true)
    • end: when false, only match the prefix of the URL (default: true)
const ptt = require('path-to-tree');

const tree = ptt();

tree.add('/blog/:id', function(param)=>{

tree.find( path )

  • return : a object container marker and param
let ret = tree.find('/blog/1');

ret.marker(ret.param) // => {id: "1"}

// marker === 

support param

  • named param: '/api/blog/:id
  • anonymous param: '/api/(hello|world)'
  • optional param: /api/name-:id?/api/name-(id|co)?
  • complex param: /blog/dada-((?:hello|nice)?-world)


Simple Koa Router

const ptt = require('../') // === require('path-to-tree')

function router(cfg) {

    const tree = ptt(cfg);

    return async function (ctx, next) {
        const match = tree.find(ctx.path)
        if (match) {
            ctx.param = match.param;
            await match.marker(ctx, next)
        } else {
            await next();

const Koa = require('koa');
const app = new Koa();

        '/blog/:id': (ctx, next) => {
            ctx.body ='blog ' + ctx.param.id
        '/user/:id(\\d+)': (ctx, next) => {

            ctx.body ='user ' + ctx.param.id

app.listen(8002, ()=>{
    console.log('server start at 8002')


router based on path-to-regexp , described as O(n) Time Complexity ( n means route's length )

By contrast, router based on path-to-tree described as O(1) Time Complexity .(consider the deepth of path as constant)

In my computer (MacBook Pro 15: 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7、16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) , the result of the benchmark show as below.

size of routes is 3000, 200x fast

path-to-tree x 215 ops/sec ±0.45% (77 runs sampled)
path-to-regexp x 1.04 ops/sec ±0.39% (7 runs sampled)
Fastest is path-to-tree