A self-taught developer and a curious soul on my journey to explore the beauty of [coding]
London, United Kingdom
leenatalreja's Following
- sergeyshaykhullinMoscow
- vercelUnited States of America
- john-smilgaCoding Addict
- kubowania
- twbsSan Francisco
- adrianhajdinJavaScript Mastery
- ProgrammingHero1
- brunosimonCreative Journey
- Michie1001United Kingdom
- gitdagrayLawrence, Kansas
- dharmilnagdaLakehead University
- robe5Axtro
- thomaskayDenmark
- dudemeisterM37 Inc, Protonet Inc
- skaesXING SE
- gsYelp / Deliverists.io
- cnlpeteKiel, Germany
- jpetey75Lightdash
- chiphuyenSan Francisco
- volkov-sergey
- januszmself-employed
- Knorcedger@quantumblack
- peterdurhamOregon
- teddysmithdevCharlotte, NC
- orhun@archlinux
- tillcarlosPairing.dev
- NyashaNziramasanga@blstrco
- max-sixtyLos Angeles
- ageitgeyVarious places
- willmcguganTextualize
- bramstrokerEmico
- dgtlmoon
- mosh-hamedaniMelbourne, Australia