
Generates tensegrity-structure stl files.

Primary LanguagePython

Tensegrity_gen.py | cuboctahedron

Of course you could make one or two and just scale, but what is the fun? This small project helps in creating these structures. You can pick the floating or contact-based version. Please see the pdf or YouMagine link(https://www.youmagine.com/designs/tensegrity_gen-cuboctahedron) for more visual information and a quick derivation.


Made with Python 2.7.6, Numpy 1.13.1, Matplotlib 2.0.2 and it relies on numpy-stl 2.3.2

Getting started

Copy the entire folder to wherever you like and run(from there):

~$ python tensegrity_gen.py

Follows the instructions and enjoy your model!


It would be great to explore many more structures!