twirp_json_typescript (unstable)

A Minimal (JSON) Twirp TypeScript Generator

this library is under active development, do not use



This project aims to test both generating proto files and compiling the TypeScript to JavaScript. In the future, TypeScript linters may be applied during this process as well.

Running go test . from the root of the project will:

  1. Walk over each proto file in the example proto directory.
  2. Build the protoc-gen-twirp_json_typescript plugin to a tmp dir.
  3. Compile each proto file to the example typescript directory.
  4. Compile the main TypeScript file (relative to the source proto file), outputting to a temporary directory.
  5. Remove the tmp dir.

The test suite has a couple options to aid in debugging and development:

go test -only-proto=name.proto . will limit the test suite to just the specified proto file. Note that all dependencies for the proto file will still be compiled.

go test -plugin-log=plugin.log . will set the plugin env to include TWIRP_JSON_TYPESCRIPT_LOG_FILE=plugin.log, causing the plugin to log debug output to the specified plugin.log file. This logging is coming from the binary process (the plugin) being called by protoc.

Compiler Versions

Currently tests are run against the following:

~ > protoc --version
libprotoc 3.5.1
~ > tsc --version
Version 3.1.6

In the future multiple versions may be supported and tested against. For now, and for simplicity sake, this is not being done.
