
Documentation on Proof's RESTful HTTP API.

Proof's REST/HTTP/JSON API documentation


Readers of this document will need to have an account at an instance of the Proof platform (e.g. app.proofgov.com)


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Example Applications

Concerning Form Submissions


  1. In this documentation, ${API_TOKEN} is meant to refer to the token provided by Proof for your integration.
  2. We use ${API_HOST} to refer to the hostname of the Proof instance you're meaning to interact with. For most users, this will be app.proofgov.com. For users of special single-tenant installs, this should the hostname you would visit in your browser (e.g. trac.ynet.gov.yk.ca).

In both cases, we're writing these as interpolated shell variables to facilitate copying and pasting snippets directly into a shell session.

Requirements common to all endpoints


All requests must present a valid Api token in the Authorization header.

Today an api token can be generated for any user account through the web-app:

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Go to your profile page and enabled the Developer Tools option.
  3. Click on the API Token link under Developer Tools.

Api Token invalidation

Token can be invalidated with an HTTP request with method DELETE at the correctly targetted URL, namely /self-serve/api-tokens/<id>



curl \
  "http://app.proofgov.com/self-serve/api-tokens/${API_TOKEN_ID_TO_DELETE}" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"

Note the id of the token is different than the token itself (and can be determined from /self serve link).

Token Limitations

At this time, only one api token can be issued for a single user account. There are a few work-arounds in-place - reach out to a technical contact or account manager for details.


All requests must contain headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer {PROOF PROVIDED API TOKEN}
  • Accept: application/json
  • Content-Type: application/json


Endpoints that return multiple records will do so in pages.

page and per_page are the control parameters.

No more than 1k records will be returned on any request; larger values of per_page will be ignored

Date formatting

All dates sent to and returned from the system will be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.