
A simple example form for Form Builder



The simplest way to run this form is to use the Form Builder Editor Console.

It can be downloaded here

NB. the Console app is currently Mac-only

  • Open the app and wait for installation to complete
  • Click Add existing form
  • Enter the address of this repository (https://github.com/ministryofjustice/fb-example-service.git) in the Repository address field
  • Click Add form
  • Click Start link

The form will open in a new window in your default browser.

Alternative ways

You can also run the form using the Form Builder Editor or Runner

# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/ministryofjustice/fb-example-service.git

# Change to the directory where editor/runner installed
cd /path/to/editor-or-runner

# Run the form
SERVICE_PATH=/path/to/fb-example-service npm start