A Django Application that uses Python 2.5/2.6 features to contact the Apple Push Service as well as maintaining a list of iPhone objects and handling Feedback from APS
- ajeliucConsult Media S.R.L
- AppBunchAppBunch Inc.
- binhoCuritiba, Brasil
- d0ugalGlasgow, UK
- darkseedTom Mulder
- diox@mozilla
- djacobsNew York City
- djromeroJob&Talent
- ErikEvenson@Kyndryl
- giasoneDISH Digital Solution
- klyntonBeaver, UT
- lardissonePergamino, Argentina
- lboaretto
- leepaLondon, United Kingdom
- lyhiving
- magnumIncode
- markkaplan
- marvinsaxony_germany
- matagusChicago, IL
- MechanisMMechanisM
- MikeVLElec.ru LLC
- nficanoBigLeap Health Inc.
- openkaku
- philippWassibauerdune.com
- PixelPartnerKreative KommunikationsKonzepte GmbH
- replore
- revolunet@BetaGouv
- RockHowardRock Solid Software LLC
- scottfergNumerator/InfoScout
- slack4uTokyo, Japan
- Surgo@pyspa
- tichiseTokyo
- timbroder@tinkergarten-org
- uffeKoch Digital ApS
- viniciuscainelliRibeirão Preto, SP - Brazil
- wave2futurezml