
R port of Stata's lookfor command

Primary LanguageR

lookfor: Find what you're looking for

lookfor is an R port of Stata's lookfor command, which helps you find stuff you're looking for inside a dataset (e.g., variables, variable values, variable labels, etc.).

Package Installation

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Stata's lookfor command searches variables and variable labels for an exact matching text string:

. webuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)

. lookfor weight

              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
weight          int     %8.0gc                Weight (lbs.)

. lookfor ft

              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
trunk           int     %8.0g                 Trunk space (cu. ft.)
turn            int     %8.0g                 Turn Circle (ft.)

This is helpful and something easily replicated by searching within the names attribute of a data.frame. But R allows multiple objects to be present at one time, meaning that it would be time consuming to grep the names of all data.frames that might be active in memory at any given point in time. Similarly, those R objects are also themselves named, have numerous other attributes (rownames, colnames, levels, class, etc.), and might be stored within lists or environments. While the lookfor command in Stata is helpful, it's actually solving a relatively simple problem. Porting lookfor to R requires a much more robust solution for searching many different features of potentially numerous data objects stored in various parts of the R environment.

The major weakness of Stata's lookfor command is that it relies only on a plain text, exact matching search algorithm. This makes it difficult to search for variables or labels that match a pattern (e.g., a pattern that might easily be described by a regular expression). As a result, the R port uses grepl to find matches, meaning that regular expressions are used by default when trying to find something and arguments can be passed via ... to control the behavior of grepl (e.g., setting fixed=TRUE will match an exact string, and perl=TRUE will use Perl-style regular expressions).

Look in a data.frame

options(width = 100)

A basic use case is to search for an observation or a variable within a dataset.


# look for observation
lookin(USArrests, "Alaska")
## [1] Matches found for 'Alaska' in attributes(USArrests):
## $names
## $class
## $row.names
##  Object Position  Match
##  X[[i]]        2 Alaska
# look for variable
lookin(USArrests, "Assault")
## [1] Matches found for 'Assault' in attributes(USArrests):
## $names
##  Object Position   Match
##  X[[i]]        2 Assault
## $class
## $row.names

Look in an environment

Relatedly, it is possible to search for objects within an environment (and values or attributes within those objects).

x <- new.env()
x$mtcars <- mtcars
x$cars <- letters[1:10]
x$cards <- 1:5
lookin(x, "car")
## [1] Matches found for 'car' in attributes(mtcars):
## $names
##  Object Position Match
##  X[[i]]       11  carb
## $row.names
## $class

Look in a list

And the same can be applied to a potentially deeply nested list.

m <- lm(mpg ~ cyl, data = mtcars)
lookin(m, "mpg")
## Error in setNames(w, x[w]): attempt to apply non-function

Look everywhere

Lastly, the lookfor command can be used to look anywhere (within .GlobalEnv, the R search path, objects within objects on the search path, loaded namespaces, etc.).

## lookfor found matches for 'package' in the following locations...
## Objects on search() path:
##                   Position in search()
## package:lookfor                      2
## package:stats                        3
## package:graphics                     4
## package:grDevices                    5
## package:utils                        6
## package:datasets                     7
## package:base                         9
## Objects from Namespaces:
##       Namespace Object                                        Position in Namespace
##  [1,] tools     check_packages_in_dir                         33                   
##  [2,] tools     check_packages_in_dir_changes                 34                   
##  [3,] tools     check_packages_in_dir_details                 35                   
##  [4,] tools     check_packages_in_dir_results                 36                   
##  [5,] tools     check_packages_in_dir_results_summary         37                   
##  [6,] tools     CRAN_package_db                               73                   
##  [7,] tools     format.check_code_usage_in_package            110                  
##  [8,] tools     format.check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv 116                  
##  [9,] tools     format.check_package_code_attach              117                  
## [10,] tools     format.check_package_code_data_into_globalenv 118                  
## [11,] tools     format.check_package_code_startup_functions   119                  
## [12,] tools     format.check_package_code_unload_functions    120                  
## [13,] tools     format.check_package_CRAN_incoming            121                  
## [14,] tools     format.check_package_datasets                 122                  
## [15,] tools     format.check_package_depends                  123                  
## [16,] tools     format.check_package_description_encoding     124                  
## [17,] tools     format.check_package_description2             125                  
## [18,] tools     format.check_package_license                  126                  
## [19,] tools     format.check_packages_in_dir_changes          127                  
## [20,] tools     format.check_packages_used                    128                  
## [21,] tools     package.dependencies                          221                  
## [22,] tools     package_dependencies                          222                  
## [23,] tools     print.check_package_code_syntax               273                  
## [24,] tools     print.check_package_compact_datasets          274                  
## [25,] tools     print.check_package_description               275                  
## [26,] tools     print.check_packages_in_dir                   276                  
## [27,] tools     print.check_packages_in_dir_changes           277                  
## [28,] tools     Rd_package_author                             317                  
## [29,] tools     Rd_package_description                        318                  
## [30,] tools     Rd_package_DESCRIPTION                        319                  
## [31,] tools     Rd_package_indices                            320                  
## [32,] tools     Rd_package_maintainer                         321                  
## [33,] tools     Rd_package_title                              322                  
## [34,] tools     summarize_check_packages_in_dir_depends       384                  
## [35,] tools     summarize_check_packages_in_dir_results       385                  
## [36,] tools     summarize_check_packages_in_dir_timings       386                  
## [37,] tools     summary.check_packages_in_dir                 389                  
## [38,] tools     toHTML.packageIQR                             408                  
## [39,] tools     url_db_from_installed_packages                418                  
## [40,] tools     url_db_from_package_citation                  419                  
## [41,] tools     url_db_from_package_HTML_files                420                  
## [42,] tools     url_db_from_package_metadata                  421                  
## [43,] tools     url_db_from_package_news                      422                  
## [44,] tools     url_db_from_package_Rd_db                     423                  
## [45,] tools     url_db_from_package_README_md                 424                  
## [46,] tools     url_db_from_package_sources                   425                  
## [47,] utils     aspell_control_package_vignettes              32                   
## [48,] utils     aspell_package                                41                   
## [49,] utils     aspell_package_C_files                        42                   
## [50,] utils     aspell_package_description                    43                   
## [51,] utils     aspell_package_pot_files                      44                   
## [52,] utils     aspell_package_R_files                        45                   
## [53,] utils     aspell_package_Rd_files                       46                   
## [54,] utils     aspell_package_vignettes                      47                   
## [55,] utils     available.packages                            57                   
## [56,] utils     available_packages_filters_db                 58                   
## [57,] utils     available_packages_filters_default            59                   
## [58,] utils     CRAN.packages                                 152                  
## [59,] utils     download.packages                             166                  
## [60,] utils     filter_packages_by_depends_predicates         181                  
## [61,] utils     install.packages                              248                  
## [62,] utils     installed.packages                            249                  
## [63,] utils     make.packages.html                            261                  
## [64,] utils     new.packages                                  280                  
## [65,] utils     old.packages                                  285                  
## [66,] utils     package.skeleton                              286                  
## [67,] utils     packageDescription                            287                  
## [68,] utils     packageName                                   288                  
## [69,] utils     packageStatus                                 289                  
## [70,] utils     packageVersion                                290                  
## [71,] utils     print.packageDescription                      313                  
## [72,] utils     print.packageIQR                              314                  
## [73,] utils     print.packageStatus                           315                  
## [74,] utils     print.summary.packageStatus                   320                  
## [75,] utils     remove.packages                               354                  
## [76,] utils     summary.packageStatus                         411                  
## [77,] utils     update.packages                               448                  
## [78,] utils     update.packageStatus                          449                  
## [79,] utils     upgrade.packageStatus                         451                  
## [80,] knitr     has_package                                   93                   
## [81,] methods   packageSlot                                   196                  
## [82,] methods   packageSlot<-                                 197                  
## [83,] base      $.package_version                             11                   
## [84,] base      as.package_version                            211                  
## [85,] base      find.package                                  450                  
## [86,] base      format.packageInfo                            474                  
## [87,] base      is.package_version                            587                  
## [88,] base      package_version                               765                  
## [89,] base      packageEvent                                  766                  
## [90,] base      packageHasNamespace                           767                  
## [91,] base      packageStartupMessage                         768                  
## [92,] base      path.package                                  779                  
## [93,] base      print.packageInfo                             816

Look using regular expression

As noted above, Stata's lookfor command can only match exact/partial character strings. The R port by uses grepl, meaning that regular expressions are supported by default, thus allowing for complex pattern matching.


# Look for car names containing letters and numbers (anywhere)
lookfor("[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]")
## lookfor found matches for '[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]' in the following locations...
## Within objects from global environment:
## $coefficients
## $residuals
## $effects
## $rank
## $fitted.values
## $assign
## $qr
## $qr
## $qraux
## $pivot
## $tol
## $rank
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## $df.residual
## $xlevels
## $call
## $values
## integer(0)
## attr(,"location")
## [1] "values"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "lookin"
## attr(,"object")
## [1] "X[[i]]"
## attr(,"what")
## [1] "[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]"
## $terms
## $values
## integer(0)
## attr(,"location")
## [1] "values"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "lookin"
## attr(,"object")
## [1] "X[[i]]"
## attr(,"what")
## [1] "[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]"
## $model
## [1] Matches found for '[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]' in attributes(X[[i]]):
## $names
## $terms
## $values
## integer(0)
## attr(,"location")
## [1] "values"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "lookin"
## attr(,"object")
## [1] "X[[i]]"
## attr(,"what")
## [1] "[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]"
## $row.names
##  Object Position          Match
##  X[[i]]        3     Datsun 710
##  X[[i]]        4 Hornet 4 Drive
##  X[[i]]        7     Duster 360
##  X[[i]]        8      Merc 240D
##  X[[i]]        9       Merc 230
##  X[[i]]       10       Merc 280
##  X[[i]]       11      Merc 280C
##  X[[i]]       12     Merc 450SE
##  X[[i]]       13     Merc 450SL
##  X[[i]]       14    Merc 450SLC
##  X[[i]]       18       Fiat 128
##  X[[i]]       27  Porsche 914-2
##  X[[i]]       32     Volvo 142E
## $class
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [1] Matches found for '[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]' in attributes(mtcars):
## $names
## $row.names
##  Object Position          Match
##  X[[i]]        3     Datsun 710
##  X[[i]]        4 Hornet 4 Drive
##  X[[i]]        7     Duster 360
##  X[[i]]        8      Merc 240D
##  X[[i]]        9       Merc 230
##  X[[i]]       10       Merc 280
##  X[[i]]       11      Merc 280C
##  X[[i]]       12     Merc 450SE
##  X[[i]]       13     Merc 450SL
##  X[[i]]       14    Merc 450SLC
##  X[[i]]       18       Fiat 128
##  X[[i]]       27  Porsche 914-2
##  X[[i]]       32     Volvo 142E
## $class
## [1] Matches found for '[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]' in attributes(mtcars):
## $names
## $row.names
##  Object Position          Match
##  X[[i]]        3     Datsun 710
##  X[[i]]        4 Hornet 4 Drive
##  X[[i]]        7     Duster 360
##  X[[i]]        8      Merc 240D
##  X[[i]]        9       Merc 230
##  X[[i]]       10       Merc 280
##  X[[i]]       11      Merc 280C
##  X[[i]]       12     Merc 450SE
##  X[[i]]       13     Merc 450SL
##  X[[i]]       14    Merc 450SLC
##  X[[i]]       18       Fiat 128
##  X[[i]]       27  Porsche 914-2
##  X[[i]]       32     Volvo 142E
## $class
# Look for car names containing letters and numbers (in mtcars)
lookin(mtcars, "[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]")
## [1] Matches found for '[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]' in attributes(mtcars):
## $names
## $row.names
##  Object Position          Match
##  X[[i]]        3     Datsun 710
##  X[[i]]        4 Hornet 4 Drive
##  X[[i]]        7     Duster 360
##  X[[i]]        8      Merc 240D
##  X[[i]]        9       Merc 230
##  X[[i]]       10       Merc 280
##  X[[i]]       11      Merc 280C
##  X[[i]]       12     Merc 450SE
##  X[[i]]       13     Merc 450SL
##  X[[i]]       14    Merc 450SLC
##  X[[i]]       18       Fiat 128
##  X[[i]]       27  Porsche 914-2
##  X[[i]]       32     Volvo 142E
## $class

Search comment() values

R's comment() function is an underutilized feature that allows users to attach hidden comments to R objects. This is intended (see ? comment) for helping to annotate R objects with relevant metadata. The value of comment() for an object is NULL unless it has been set, in which case it is usually a character vector of length 1 (or possibly greater). lookfor searches comment() values automatically, allowing you to make better use of these annotations.

m1 <- lm(mpg ~ cyl, data = mtcars)
comment(m1) <- "model using continuous cylinder"

m2 <- lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl), data = mtcars)
comment(m2) <- "model using factor of cylinder"

lookfor("model using", fixed = TRUE)
## lookfor found matches for 'model using' in the following locations...
## Within objects from global environment:
## [1] Matches found for 'model using' in comment(x):
## function (..., recursive = FALSE)  .Primitive("c")
## [1] Matches found for 'model using' in comment(x):
## function (..., recursive = FALSE)  .Primitive("c")