
Database migration tool for .NET and .NET Core projects. Inspired by Flyway.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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Database migration tool for .NET and .NET Core. Inspired by Flyway.

Evolve is an easy migration tool that uses plain SQL scripts. Its purpose is to automate your database changes, and help keep those changes synchronized through all your environments and development teams. This makes it an ideal tool for continuous integration / delivery.

Over all Evolve embraces simplicity. Every time you build or run your project, it will automatically ensure that your database is up-to-date. Install it and forget it!

Evolve is available as a NuGet lib, a dotnet tool, a MSBuild task and a standalone CLI.


Package Repository
Evolve NuGet
Evolve Tool NuGet
Evolve MSBuild NuGet
Evolve CLI NuGet


You can read the latest documentation at https://evolve-db.netlify.com.

Supported Databases

  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server
  • MySQL / MariaDB
  • SQLite
  • Cassandra
  • CockroachDB