NLTK Installation Guide

Mac Install Guide

Install Homebrew (a simple package repo for Mac)

 ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Python 2.7

 brew install python 

Install easy_install

 curl -o - | python

If you don't have curl installed, brew install curl to install the curl package.

Install pip (python package manager)

 sudo easy_install pip

Install NLTK and its dependencies

sudo pip install -U numpy pyyaml nltk pyenchant

Test the Install

>>> import nltk

Ubuntu Install Guide

Ubuntu follows many of the same steps but using apt-get as the package repo. Here are the commands to run:

sudo apt-get install easy_install 
wget -O - | sudo python 
sudo easy_install pip 
sudo apt-get install python-dev 
sudo pip install -U numpy 
sudo pip install -U pyyaml nltk
sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib

Lastly, test the install with:

 >>> import nltk