
complie template to render function

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gulp Inline Vue

This plugin will allow you to use url syntax in your template line to compile and inline templates in your source code.

Also any inline templates will be compiled as well.


npm install vue-template-inline --save-dev



Vue.component('example', {
    template: `
            <div v-if="show" v-for="(item, index) in list">{{item}}</div>
    data() {
        return {
            show: true,
            list: [1,2,3,4,5],

If you then pipe your source through the plugin during your gulp processing as follows:

var inlineVue = require('vue-template-inline');

gulp.task('inline-vue', function () {
  return gulp.src('./src/**/*.js')

Your output will be:


"use strict";
Vue.component("example", {
    render: function () {
        var n = this,
            e = n.$createElement,
            r = n._self._c || e;
        return r("div", n._l(n.list, function (e, t) {
            return n.show ? r("div", [n._v(n._s(e))]) : n._e()
    data: function () {
        return {
            show: !0,
            list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]