
Image Minify with Gulp Image.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Image Minify with Gulp Image.

Fork of Asikur22/npm-imgmini, update dependencies and command line.

Gulp 4 generates warning on usage of Chokidar v2, but we're not using this app for watch so it can be ignored.

imagemin/imagemin-cli is a modern incarnation, but:

  • it does not keep source's directory structure
  • the default invocation is not optimized
  • Promise.all() causes resource issue on low end machines (this app has concurrency limit)

Use mapLimit() to control concurrency? async - Documentation


$ npm install -g @leesei/imgmini


$ imgmini image.jpg image2.png
# keep original files
$ imgmini -k image.jpg image2.png

# before globbing is suppported:
find $FOLDER -type f | xargs -P$(nproc) -- imgmini

Show System Notification

$ imgmini -n image.jpg image2.png