Concurrent Binary Search Tree



leeshinyook hs-krispy

We are students of Dankook University's software department. We are working on a project for the Cpu

scheduling algorithm.

Pull requests are always welcome.

Code Structure

We did this project to measure the performance of both locking(fine-grained lock, coarse-grained lock) in BST.

  1. insert, remove

Basic BST in single thread

  1. insert_fg, remove_fg

Fine-grained lock in multi-threaded BST

  1. insert_cg, remove_cg

Coarse-grained lock in multi-threaded BST

How to run

We have set up a makefile for convenient code execution.

Since it is a file written in c lang, so gcc installation is required!

Also, make installation is required, so please install it first.

1. Clone Project

$ git clone

2. Make

$ make lab2_bst

The make command creates an executable file. An executable file should have been created in your current directory.

3. Run

$ ./lab2_bst -t 4 -c 1000000

If you want to delete the generated files, type make clean

Measure and Review

We visualized about 30 data per thread Using Python. First, using c file input and output, csv files were created. The set of data is in BST.csv.


스크린샷 2020-05-04 오전 2 55 51

That is, even though the number of threads increases, there is no part to be processed in parallel, and the above results can be confirmed due to the number of locks and unlocks and the cost issues associated with context switching.


스크린샷 2020-05-04 오전 2 50 14

The lock contention of threads occurs excessively and the execution time is slowed down due to the cost. As a result, it can be seen that in a multi-threaded environment, lock and unlock must be properly applied around the critical area to improve performance.