
A collection of data analysis and modelling projects using R. Models implemented included GAMs, GAMMs, GLMs, GLMMs, LMMs, MLRs, and case control studies with both cross-validation and maximum likelihood estimation, accounting for random effects for individual groups if needed.

Primary LanguageR


A collection of data analysis and modelling projects using R.

Models implemented includes:

  • Generalized Additive models (GAMs) (using both cross-validation and maximum likelihood estimation) in COVID-19-Death-Count-Prediction and Hispanics_discrimination_after_trump_election
  • Generalized Additive Mixed models (GAMMs) (using both cross-validation and maximum likelihood estimation) in COVID-19-Death-Count-Prediction and Hispanics_discrimination_after_trump_election
  • Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) in UK Road Deaths: a case control study
  • Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) in UK Road Deaths: a case control study
  • Linear Mixed Models (LMMs) in Linear mixed models on Students’ scores
  • Multiple Linear Regression(MLRs) in Linear mixed models on Students’ scores
  • Case-Control Studies in UK Road Deaths: a case control study