P2000 Sensor

This is a simple p2000 sensor for home assistant


Copy this folder to <config_dir>/custom_components/p2000/.

Add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: p2000
    name: p2000_Zwolle
      - zwolle
      - 1234567

** Either or 'gemeenten' or 'capcodes' should be filled. **

Be aware that if you use gemeenten and capcodes in the same config entry both one of the gemeenten and one of the capcodes should be in the melding

You should get a sensor like te following with a lot of attributes.

The id is unique and changes with every new p2000 message.

Tux, the Linux mascot

Extracting data can be done with a template like:

{{ state_attr('sensor.p2000_zwolle', 'melding') }}

lovelace Dashboard

You need markdown and logbook for the following settings

More information on your dashboard.
tekst in Dutch.

markdown card

type: markdown
content: >
  Datum : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'datum' ) }}   Tijd: {{
  state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'tijd') }}

  Melding : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'melding') }}<br>

  {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'tekstmelding') }}<br>


  Plaats: {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'plaats') }}

  Straat : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'straat') }} 

  Regio : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'regio') }}

  capcode : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'capstring') }}

  lat : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'latitude') }}  long: {{
  state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'longitude') }}


  Dienst: {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'dienst') }}

  info :  {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'brandinfo') }}<br>

  Regio id : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'regioid') }}       Dienst id : {{
  state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'dienstid') }}

  Prio : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'prio1') }}

  Grip : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'grip') }}

  Id nr : {{ state_attr('sensor.p2000', 'id') }}<br>


logbook card

type: logbook
  - sensor.p2000
hours_to_show: 24
title: '112'