
Primary LanguageMATLAB

STARTRACK - Target Detection & Trajectory Determination


  1. Detect and locate weak target in consecutive star images instantaneously
  2. Implement the algorithm based on DSP + FPGA hardware platfrom


  1. Methmatical modeling of the imaging, detecting & tracking system.
  2. Algorithm designing, tweaking & optimizing in MATLAB
  3. Determining hardware specifications.
  4. Program designing, simulation verification & on-board verification.
  5. Module unit testing & tweaking.
  6. System testing & tweaking.


  1. Detection Rate $P_d$, False Alarm Rate $P_f$
  2. Precision of location measured in Mean Squre Error (MSE)
  3. Data input rates of the system measured in MB/s
  4. Time delay of the output data relative to the corresponding input data measured in ms