Priority Queue Controller HDL Implementation

This project aims to design a priority queue controller based on AXI infrastructures provided by Xilinx Vivado 2019.1 design suite. The packet storing & forwarding logic is implemented with DMA s2mm & mm2s mechanism. This controller only handles the storage address & lenght of packets and generate the appropriate commands to the DMA engine.


本项目旨在设计一款基于Xinlinx Vivado 2019.1 AXI IP基础设施的优先级队列控制器。 数据包的存储与转发由DMA s2mm 和 mm2s 机制实现。本控制器仅处理数据包的存储地址 和包长,并根据他们产生正确的控制命令并提供给DMA引擎。