
Team Lab of Software Engineering

Primary LanguageHTML


"London Fitness" is a small gym operating in London. Our Online Gym Program is designed to be a stand alone application and doesn't require connection to Internet during running time. We have registered two user accounts in advance to let you try our application.

If encountering errors when compiling TDD code, please refer to Compile Part for further indication.


Check Environment

  • Open the cmd command line (Press Win + R, and input cmd, then press Enter)
  • Enter Software directory (By using command cd )
  • Enter java --version in the command line to check environment

Success Install Screenshot


  • Open the cmd command line (Press Win + R, and input cmd, then press Enter)
  • Enter Software directory (By using command cd )
  • Enter javac Login.java in the command line to compile the application without JUnit
  • Get {file}Test.java from Test directory to Software directory, and then enter javac -cp Requirements/junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.1.jar {file}Test.java in the command line to compile TDD, where {file} is one of Account/Email/Member/Password/Trainer/Video


  • Open the cmd command line (Press Win + R, and input cmd, then press Enter)
  • Enter Software directory (By using command cd )
  • Enter java Login in the command line to start up the Online Gym application
  • We have registered two user accounts in advance to let you try our application
  1. Account: Davis; Password:123456a; User Type: Normal
  2. Account: Lisey; Password:123456A; User Type: VIP


  • After Login in, you enter Main Menu


  • Get {file}Test.java from Test directory to Software directory, and then enter java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.1.jar -cp . -c {file}Test to run TDD, where {file} is one of Account/Email/Member/Password/Trainer/Video