
simple web scraper implemented with NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

In this basic app I tried to show the following:

  • How easy it is to web scrape with nodejs and its modules.
  • How to traverse html files with Cheerio (a js module).
  • How routing can be super simple with expressJS.
  • And some level of code structuring: db for db stuff, routes for routing and scrape for all scrape stuffs. this helps to keep one's mind clear, makes code easy to maintain as well.

Conscience rules:

Before a quick rundown on how you can run this basic app and probably extend it, note the following:

  • Understand that mindless web scraping could cause a DoS attack on the target site.
  • Also be careful how you use scrapped contents that you don't breach copyrights laws.
  • And lastly, scrape with the fear of God.

"Do not do to others sites/contents what you wouldn't want others to do to yours".


Note that I used mongoose to work with mongodb here. You can decide to use mongdb client directly which I find much better in terms of querying mongodb. However, you should be aware of JSON and BSON (In our case, just for good education).

How does it work?

  • Download and unzip to a directory.
  • cd to the root directory and run: npm install (again not all dependencies were actually used so feel free to do away with those you may not need).
  • To scrape open your browser window go to: localhost:4005/scrape/ . You should see in realtime what is being scraped at your terminal were you have nodemon running.
  • Once you have some data scraped (you need not wait till scraping ends), open another tab on in your browser and goto:localhost:4005/data/ .

You should see some data. To have the data look more readable, install JSONViewer estension on your browser.

Sample output data :
 daily: "Vanguard",
date: "2009-01-01",
category: "business"
news: "Something happened",
link: "http://whatever/news/2009-01-01/something-happened"