
A simple demo utilizing Google App Engine and Google Cloud Datastore

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple demo utilizing Google App Engine and Google Cloud Datastore

What is it?

This repo contains a simple multiplayer game (maybe more of an animation (:) and a Node.js/Express server. The game saves player names to Google Cloud Datastore so that names cannot be reused, and it can be deployed to Google App Engine (GAE).

What are all these files?

  • /js: Contains clientside, game related code built using Phaser. client.js contains all of the server calls.
  • server.js: The Node.js/Express server that the game talks to. The server allows players to communicate and keeps track of player state.
  • model-datastore.js: Contains a CRUD api that calls Google Cloud Datastore. Includes functions to read and write to the database to check for duplicate names and add new names. Mostly copied from here.

How to run locally

  1. Download Node.js and npm
  2. clone this repo
  3. cd into the repo in the terminal and run npm install (You may have to use sudo npm install if you fail with a permission error).
  4. Start the server by running node server.js
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:8081

How to deploy to Google App Engine

  1. Create a project in the Google Cloud Platform Console (You will probably have to Enable Billing)
  2. Download The cloud sdk
  3. Set your default project by running gcloud config set <projectid> can be found by clicking on the project name on the top bar of the cloud platform console.
  4. Change the projectId value in model-datastore.js
  5. Set auth for Datastore by running gcloud beta auth application-default login
  6. Deploy to appengine by running gcloud app deploy. 🔥Boom Bam Pow🔥 Navigate to the (GAE Versions Page)[console.cloud.google.com/appengine/versions], click on the version name, and view your application!!