SG Food Hour
This website(assignment) is to help ngee ann staff and student to be able to order things online. Now we have both makan place and food club stores and user can earn points when they purchase things using sg food hour and can exchange for rewards.
This website is fo people we work or study in ngee ann poly. some time we think the ngee ann canteens have a very long queue or people are rushing for lesson so is hard or limited time for them to go to queue and buy food. So if they can order things online this can make they life more easier ask they can order online first and when they they travel to stores the food is ready for them they can just eat and enjoy without eating.
- Signup Page
- Signin Page
- Display food and details of food from each stalls
- Adding items to cart
- Checkout
- Adding Points/ Displaying Points
- Redeem gifts with points
-adobeXD -use for framework -use for data base/api
-swiper -use for store
-vscode -use to code
-lottiefile -use for animation
- JQuery
- The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
test in chorme and wirefox
- The photos used in this site were obtained from ...
- I received inspiration for store page, for cart page.
- for signup page