
Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

HMCached: Hotspot-aware Hybrid Memory Management for In-Memory Key-Value Stores

        HMCached is an in-memory K-V store built on a hybrid DRAM/NVM system. HMCached utilizes an application-level data access counting mechanism to identify frequently-accessed (hotspot) objects (i.e., K-V pairs) in NVM, and migrates them to fast DRAM to reduce the costly NVM accesses. We also propose an NVM-friendly index structure to store the frequently-updated portion of object metadata in DRAM, and thus further mitigate the NVM accesses. Moreover, we propose a benefit-aware memory reassignment policy to address the slab calcification problem in slab-based K-V store systems, and significantly improve the benefit gain from the DRAM.

        We implement the proposed system with Memcached (https://memcached.org/).

HMCached Usage

1. External Dependencies

  • NUMA system: HMCached must run in a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) system with multiple NUMA nodes, and each node presents a type of memory mediums.
  • NVM device: If without available NVM device, you can use HME for emulation, https://github.com/CGCL-codes/HME.
  • numactl-devel
  • libevent: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/ (libevent-dev)
  • libseccomp (optional, linux): enables process restrictions for better security.

2. Compiling

[user @node1 HMCached]$ cd dram_reassignment
[user @node1 dram_reassignment]$ make
[user @node1 HMCached]$ sudo cp libdram_reassignment.so /usr/lib
[user @node1 HMCached]$ cd HMCached
[user @node1 HMCached]$ autoreconf -fis 
[user @node1 HMCached]$ ./configure
[user @node1 HMCached]$ make

3. Running

The run mode of HMCached is similar to Memcached.

* Server-side:

The following operation is based on an assumption that memory in Node 0 is DRAM while memory in Node 1 is NVM.

[user @node1 HMCached]$ numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./memcached -l -p 11211

Command-line Options:

-p, --port=<num>          TCP port to listen on (default: 11211)
-l, --listen=<addr>       interface to listen on (default: INADDR_ANY)
-h, --help                print this help and exit
-m, --dram-limit=<num>    item memory in megabytes (default: 64 MB)
-e, --nvm-limit=<num>     item memory in megabytes (default: 64 MB)
-x, --threshold-adjust-period=<num>     number of requests served by each slab class (default: 10^7)
-y, --dram-reassignment-period=<num>    number of requests served by all slab classes (default: 3*10^8)

* Client-side (e.g., running with telnet):

[user @node1 home]$ telnet 11211
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
get foo
VALUE foo 0 2
STAT pid 8861

4. Benchmarks

Support or Contact

HMCached is developed at SCTS&CGCL Lab (http://grid.hust.edu.cn/) by Zhiwei Li, Haikun Liu and Xiaofei Liao. For any questions, please contact Zhiwei Li(leezw@hust.edu.cn), Haikun Liu (hkliu@hust.edu.cn) and Xiaofei Liao (xfliao@hust.edu.cn).