
Tools to manipulate source files (linting, patching, etc.)

Primary LanguageOCamlOtherNOASSERTION

Travis-CI Build Status AppVeyor Build status

The OCaml Style Checker

A style checker for OCaml language.


The OCaml Style Checker is a tool for OCaml sources...


ocp-lint is currently written for OCaml 4.02 and superior versions.

OPAM dependencies: ocp-build, menhir, yojson

You can use make opam-deps to install dependencies in the current switch.

Build Instructions

Use the following instructions:

make install

to install ocp-lint on your system.


Pre-commit hook

To use ocp-lint as a pre-commit hook, first compile and install ocp-lint:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

Then copy the file scripts/pre-commit-lint in your .git/hooks/ directory. The argument --warn-error is activated by default.

This script will execute ocp-lint with the default configuration. You can also create a .ocplint file in your project and configure it according to your needs.

Configuration File



Bug Reports

If you have some bugs, you can submit a bug report or you can fork this repository and make a pull request with a bug fix.

All contributions are welcome !


The OCaml Style Checker is distributed under the terms of GNU Public Licence version 3.0.