
GWT widget library for Bootstrap(,from Twitter) !Caution! Right now , Our team help to gwt-bootstrap(gwtbootstrap/gwt-bootstrap).Maybe we stop developing bootstrap4gwt until gwt-bootstrap is released.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

#Twitter Bootstrap for GWT

Twitter Bootstrap for GWT is a widget library for Google Web Toolkit(GWT).

#Caution Right now , Our team help to gwt-bootstrap. Maybe we stop developing bootstrap4gwt until gwt-bootstrap is released.

##demo http://yusukekokubo.github.com/bootstrap4gwt/

##build for library mvn clean compile

##build with sample mvn -Pfor-sample clean compile


  • download https://github.com/downloads/YusukeKokubo/bootstrap4gwt/bootstrap4gwt.jar
  • !Caution! Now this file is early-access(SNAPSHOT) version.
  • adding <inherits name="com.appspot.bootstrap4gwt.Bootstrap"/> in your module xml
  • If you need use in UiBinder,adding xmlns:b="urn:import:com.appspot.bootstrap4gwt.client.ui" in root of ui.xml
  • load bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js in module html or module xml (*.gwt.xml).
    (Please download bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js yourself at http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/)
  • ex.
    in html. <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/bootstrap.css">
    in module xml. <stylesheet src="/assets/css/bootstrap.css"/>

##sample code If you need more sample,you see sample directory.It's demo site code.