
Grow SDK translation POC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Left Field Labs website

Grow Localization POC and Process Workflow

This is a Grow SDK proof of concept specifically illustrating how Grow handles localization.


At a minimum, you will need the following tools installed:

  1. Git
  2. Grow
  3. Homebrew
  4. Node.js

Git install

If Git isn't already installed on your system, you may visit:
Git download page


Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. We'll use it to install Node.js and keep it up to date. Please enter the following in the terminal:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Node.js install

We use Node.js to run various project build tasks, install dependencies, and supplemental utilities. You may install Node.js by downloading an installer or by using a binaries to compile it yourself. Visit their download page and choose your preferred method or simply install using Homebrew:

Method 1: Homebrew (you may leave off the -g flag if you do not want to install Homebrew globally)

$ brew install node -g

Method 2: Installer or by using a binaries

Node.js download page

Grow install

We use Grow to generate static web pages based on the built in templating engine and configuration files (such as YAML). Grow also provides a convenient localization solution at it's core. To install Grow, you can install by entering the following into your terminal:

$ curl https://install.growsdk.org | bash

Or by using:

$ pip install grow

Install required dependencies

Prior to starting the development server or running the project, install dependencies used by the project. The grow install command walks you through this and tries to set up your environment for you.

Run the following commands in terminal:

$ npm install
$ node_modules/bower/bin/bower install

Running the development server

The grow run command starts your development server. You can make changes to your project files and refresh to see them reflected immediately.

$ grow install
$ grow run

Note: If grow install does not work or throws an error stating it's not found/installed, restart your computer or your IDE.


You can use the grow build command to build your whole site to the build directory. This is a good way to test and verify the generated code.

$ grow build


Once you are ready to share your changes with your team, you can stage your workspace to an access-controlled web server. Running the below command will build your site and deploy it, and then provide you with a link to the staging environment.

$ grow stage


Any content within the yaml files you'd like to be tagged for translation needs the key to be followed by @. For example:

$ headline@: Headline that will be translated

When referencing that content in the HTML, it needs to be appropriately tagged for translation (if the content isn't wrapped with the _(), it will not be translated):


To extract strings tagged for translation:

$ grow extract

To import translations:

$ grow import_translations --locale=LOCALE --source /path/to/source/messages.po

In this example, try importing the Spanish translations:

$ grow import_translations --locale=es_ES --source translations/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po