
A C library and binary for generating machine code of x86_64 assembly language and executing on the fly without invoking another compiler, assembler or linker.

Primary LanguageAssemblyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A C library and binary for generating machine code of x86_64 assembly language and executing on the fly without invoking another compiler, assembler or linker.

How to use

note: refer to /src/instructions.c for a complete list of supported instructions

  1. $ ./configure or $ CFLAGS='-g -O3' ./configure to generate Makefiles.
  2. $ make to compile
  3. $ make install prefix=$(pwd) to install it locally or $ sudo make install to install globally
  4. $ gcc -o executable your_program.c -lassemblyline to compile a c program using assemblyline


note: refer to /src/assemblyline.h for more information

  1. Include the required header files and preprocessors
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <assemblyline.h>
    #define BUFFER_SIZE 300
  2. Allocate an executable buffer of sufficient size (> 20 bytes) using mmap
    // the machince code will be written to this location
    uint8_t *mybuffer = mmap(NULL, sizeof(uint8_t) * BUFFER_SIZE,
  3. Create an instance of assemblyline_t and attach mybuffer or set it to NULL for internal memory allocation (will realloc if it was too small)
    // external memory allocation
    assemblyline_t al = asm_create_instance(mybuffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
    // internal memory allocation
    assemblyline_t al = asm_create_instance(NULL, 0);
  4. OPTIONAL: Enable debug mode to print the machinecode in hex to stdout.
    asm_set_debug(al, true);
  5. OPTIONAL: Set a chunk size boundary to ensure that no instruction opcode will cross the specified chunk boundary length. *** note: refer instructions nop, nop2, ..., nop11
    // It will use the appropriate `nop` instruction for the remaining bytes to fill the chunk boundry.
    int chunk_size = 16;
    asm_set_chunk_size(al, chunk_size);
  6. Assemble a file or string containing x64 assembly code. The machine code will be written to mybuffer or the internal buffer. You can call those functions sequentially; the new machinecode will be appended at the end.
    assemble_file(al, "./path/to/x64_file.asm");
    assemble_str(al, "mov rax, 0x0\nadd rax, 0x2; adds two");
    assemble_str(al, "sub rax, 0x1; subs one\nret");
  7. Get the start address of the buffer containing the start of the assembly program
    void (*func)() =(void (*)())(asm_get_code(al));
    // you can then call the function
    int result = func();
  8. Free all memory associated with assembyline (external buffer is not freed)
  9. Full example:
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <assemblyline.h>
    #define BUFFER_SIZE 300
    uint8_t *mybuffer = mmap(NULL, sizeof(uint8_t) * BUFFER_SIZE,
    assemblyline_t al = asm_create_instance(mybuffer, BUFFER_SIZE); 
    asm_set_chunk_size(al, 16); 
    assemble_str(al, "mov rax, 0x0\nadd rax, 0x2; adds two");
    assemble_str(al, "sub rax, 0x1; subs one\nret");
    void (*func)() =(void (*)())(asm_get_code(al));
    int result = func();
    printf("The result is: %d\n", result); 
    // prints "The result is: 1\n"

Test files

$ make check to run all test suites

  • To run only one testsuite TESTS=seto.asm make -e check, then check ./test/seto.log
  • Or run the ./al_nasm_compare.sh seto.asm in the test directory
  • Adding a new test: add the testfile e.g. sub.asm to the directory and add sub.asm to the TESTS-variable in ./test/Makefile.am then run $ make clean check. Finally, add Makefile.am and sub.asm to git.

Command-line tool: asmline

note: run $ asmline or $ asmline --help to view usage information

	asmline [-r] [-p] [-c CHUNK_SIZE>1] [-o ELF_FILENAME_NO_EXT] [-h] [-v] path/to/file.asm

	Generates machine code from a file or stdin containing x64 assembly instructions. 
        Machine code could be executed directly without the need for an executable file format. 
        Obtain command-line instructions for generating an ELF binary file from assembly code.


Create ELF file from assembly code

  1. $ asmline -o FILENAME path/to/file.asm to output the generated machine code into a binary file (FILENAME.bin)
    -o --object FILENAME
            Generates a binary file from path/to/file.asm called FILENAME.bin in 
            the current directory.
  2. The above call will generate a binary file FILENAME.bin and the command below could be used to create an ELF file.
    $ objcopy --input-target=binary --globalize-symbol=FILENAME --rename-section .data=.text --output-target=elf64-x86-64 FILENAME.bin FILENAME.o
    # link the elf object file with a c program
    $ gcc -o linker linker.c FILENAME.o

Print assembled machine code to stdout

  1. $ asmline -p path/to/file.asm to write the generated machine code from file.asm to stdout
    -p --print
            When assembling path/to/file.asm the corresponding machine code 
            will be printed to stdout.
  2. The above call will output some machine code in the hexadecimal format given path/to/file.asm.

Chunk size fitting

  1. $ asmline -c CHUNK_SIZE>1 path/to/file.asm to appy chunk size fitting when assembling path/to/file.asm.
    -c --chunk CHUNK_SIZE>1
            Sets a given CHUNK_SIZE boundary in bytes. Nop padding will be used to 
            ensure no instruction opcode crosses the specified CHUNK_SIZE boundary.
  2. A specific chunk size within a memory block could be specified (chunk sizes less must be greater than 1),
  3. Then a chunk size is given, assemblyline will ensure no instruction opcode crosses the chunk boundary by applying nop padding

Executing machine code directly from memory

  1. $ asmline --return path/to/file.asm to directly execute path/to/file.asm given the following options:
    -r --return
            Executes assembly code and prints out the contents of the 
            rax register (return value register).
  2. -r executes assembly program specified by path/to/file.asm and print out the return value of that program

Adding new instructions

To add support for new instructions please refer to: src/README.md



  • Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup (University of Adelaide)
  • Daniel Genkin (Georgia Tech)
  • Joel Kuepper (University of Adelaide)
  • Marku Wagner (University of Adelaide)
  • David Wu (University of Adelaide)
  • Yuval Yarom (University of Adelaide)

This project was supported by:

  • The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under award number FA9550-20-1-0425
  • An ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (project number DE200101577)
  • An ARC Discovery Project (project number DP210102670)
  • The Blavatnik ICRC at Tel-Aviv University
  • the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) under contracts FA8750-19-C-0531 and HR001120C0087
  • the National Science Foundation under grant CNS-1954712
  • Gifts from AMD, Google, and Intel