
To create or update an item:Header anchor link

#Replace URL with the Invoke URL above export INVOKE_URL=""

Create or update an item. The command includes a request body with the item's ID, price, and name. curl -X "PUT" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ "id": "abcdef234", "price": 12345, "name": "myitem" }" $INVOKE_URL/items

To get all items: curl -s $INVOKE_URL/items | js-beautify

To get an item: curl -s $INVOKE_URL/items/abcdef234 | js-beautify

To delete an item:Header anchor link curl -X "DELETE" $INVOKE_URL/items/abcdef234

curl -X "DELETE" $INVOKE_URL/items/abcdef234

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