
An easy fileuploader helper for S3 buckets of aws by leganux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An easy file uploader helper for S3 buckets of aws by leganux

aws-s3-easy-fileuploader is a tool helps you to easily upload public images and files to your AWS S3, includes some awesome options like

  • Easy create / delete a new bucket
  • Easy save files in directory structures for example:
    • By Date YYYY/MM/DD
    • By Alphabet
    • By Kind of file (Extension)
    • By suffix
    • Custom
  • UPLOAD File
  • Generate Image Thumbnails
  • Download Files

Get Started


npm i aws-s3-easy-fileuploader

Import to project

let easy_aws_upload = require('aws-s3-easy-fileuploader');

Define options object

let AWS_REGION = 'us-east-2';

let options = {

  S3_BUCKET_NAME: 'JaneDoeFolder',
  FLAVOR: 'custom,date,alphabet',
  MAKE_THUMBNAIL: {width: 200, height: 200},
  S3_ACL: 'public-read'



  • AWS_ID (mandatory): Defines the AWS credential ID
  • AWS_KEY (mandatory): Defines the AWS credential KEY
  • AWS_REGION (optional): Defines the AWS desired region. Default 'us-east-2'
  • S3_BUCKET_NAME (optional): Defines the name desired for AWS s3 Bucket. If does't set will create a random name bucket
  • FLAVOR (optional): Defines the structure folder where files be stored in. You can use more than 1 flavor (comma separed) For example:
    • root (default): All files will be stored in the root folder
    • date : All files will be stored in the folder structure by date /YYY/MM/DD/File.jpg
    • filetype : All files will be stored in the folder structure by extension /jpg/File.jpg
    • alphabet : All files will be stored in the folder structure by A-Z /f/File.jpg
    • suffix : All files will be stored in the folder structure based on suffix of same file /fil/File.jpg
    • custom : All files will be stored in the custom user folder /custom/File.jpg
  • MAKE_THUMBNAIL (optional ):[true/false or {width: 200, height: 200}] If true this will create a thumbnail for images Automatically. You can define next parameters.
    • width: thumbnail width in pixels
    • height: thumbnail height in pixels
    • percentage: If you define this parameter width and height will be override, percent of real size for thumbnail
  • SUFFIX_COUNT(optional): If suffix flavor declared uses this length for make folders
  • PREPEND_RANDOM(optional): Number of random characters that will be added prepend name of file. (useful for files with same names)
  • S3_ACL: Default 'public-read', You can configure permissions for upload files.

Instance new element

let my_bucket = new easy_aws_upload(options)

Initialize AWS Connection


Create bucket

If bucket does not exists will be created

let bucket = await my_bucket.createBucket()

Delete Bucket

If bucket does exists will be deleted

let bucket = await my_bucket.deleteBucket()

Upload File

If bucket does exists will be deleted Params:

  • filePath(mandatory): The local path of file for upload
  • name(optional): The name of file
  • customFolder(optional): The name of folder if flavor custom is used
let file = await my_bucket.uploadFile('/local/file.jpg', 'myfile', 'custom')

Delete File

If file does exists will be deleted Params:

  • key(mandatory): The AWS key for delete file from s3
let file = await my_bucket.deleteFile('/remote/file.jpg')

Get File

If file does exists will be downloaded as buffer


  • key(mandatory): The AWS key for delete file from s3
let file = await my_bucket.deleteFile('/remote/file.jpg')

aws-s3-easy-fileuploader is another project of leganux.net © 2021 all rights reserved
This project is distributed under the MIT license.