
Complete English verb list.

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Welcome to Verb Corpus 🚀

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Almost COMPLETE English verb list.

There are thousands of regular verbs in English. This is a almost COMPLETE list of common regular verbs.

Note that there are some spelling variations in American English (for example, practise becomes practice in American English).


npm install --save verb-corpus


Playground - RunKit.

/** @type {{ programming: string[]; lexicon: string[]; complete: string[]; }} */
const { programming, lexicon, complete } = require('verb-corpus');

// Programming verbs
console.log(programming.length); // => 958

// Eric Brill's English lexicon verbs.
// The lexicon data is processed from POS tagging lib https://github.com/dariusk/pos-js.
console.log(lexicon.length); // => 3513

// Complete English verbs generated by union the programming and lexicon verbs and the 2 npm packages "english-verbs-gerunds" and "english-verbs-irregular" 1139
console.log(complete.length); // => 4249


  • Super fast 🚀 because all the verbs are pre-built for performance and no run cost suffered.
  • Almost COMPLETE English verb list.
    • Programming commonly used verbs.
    • POS Tagging database from Eric Brill's English lexicon verbs.
    • Verbs from 2 npm packages "english-verbs-gerunds" and "english-verbs-irregular"

Run tests

npm test # Powered by Vitest


npm run pub:patch/minor/major


👤 legend80s

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