
Primary LanguageTypeScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Async Context for JavaScript

Status: Last presented to TC39 on June 4th, 2020. Consensus for Stage 1 is not reached yet.


  • Chengzhong Wu (@legendecas)
  • Justin Ridgewell (@jridgewell)


The goal of the proposal is to provide a mechanism to ergonomically track async contexts in JavaScript. Put another way, it allows propagating a value through a callstack regardless of any async execution.

It's easiest to explain this in terms of setting and reading a global variable in sync execution. Imagine we're a library which provides a simple log and run function. Users may pass their callbacks into our run function and an arbitrary "id". The run will then invoke their callback and while running, the developer may call our log function to annotate the logs with the id they passed to the run.

let currentId = undefined;

export function log() {
  if (currentId === undefined) throw new Error('must be inside a run call stack');
  console.log(`[${currentId}]`, ...arguments);

export function run<T>(id: string, cb: () => T) {
  let prevId = currentId;
  try {
    currentId = id;
    return cb();
  } finally {
    currentId = prevId;

The developer may then use our library like this:

import { run, log } from 'library';
import { helper } from 'some-random-npm-library';

document.body.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const id = new Uuid();

  run(id, () => {

    // Assume helper will invoke doSomething.


function doSomething() {
  log("did something");

In this example, no matter how many times a user may click, we'll also see a perfect "[123] starting", "[123] did something" "[123] done" log. We've essentially implemented a synchronous context stack, able to propagate the id down through the developers call stack without them needing to manually pass or store the id themselves. This pattern is extremely useful. It is not always ergonomic (or even always possible) to pass a value through every function call (think of passing React props through several intermediate components vs passing through a React Context).

However, this scenario breaks as soon as we introduce any async operation into our call stack.

document.body.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const id = new Uuid();

  run(id, async () => {

    await helper(doSomething);

    // This will error! We've lost our id!

function doSomething() {
  // Will this error? Depends on if `helper` awaited before calling.
  log("did something");

AsyncContext solves this issue, allowing you to propagate the id through both sync and async execution by keeping track of the context in which we started the execution.

const context = new AsyncContext();

export function log() {
  const currentId = context.get();
  if (currentId === undefined) throw new Error('must be inside a run call stack');
  console.log(`[${currentId}]`, ...arguments);

export function run<T>(id: string, cb: () => T) {
  context.run(id, cb);

Case 1: Incomplete error stacks

window.onload = e => {
  // (1)
  fetch("https://example.com").then(res => {
    // (2)
    return processBody(res.body).then(data => {

function processBody(body) {
  // (3)
  return body.json().then(obj => {
    // (4)
    return obj.data;

The code snippet above is simple and intuitive. However, if there is one or other step goes wrong -- not behaving as what we expect, it is hard to root out the cause of the problem.

What if the fetch failed for network issues? In the case, the only error message we can get in DevTools will be:

TypeError: Failed to fetch
    at rejectPromise

V8 introduced async stack traces not before long:

GET https://example.com/ net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
window.onload	@	(index):13
load (async)
(anonymous)	@	(index):12

This is wonderful, but it's not the story for most other platforms.

It could be messy for a rather complex project if the error can not be identified by its error stacks, and more importantly its async cause -- i.e. where did we get to the error in an async way?

Case 2: Where did we come to here?

export async function handler(ctx, next) {
  const span = Tracer.startSpan();
  // First query runs in the synchronous context of the request.
  await dbQuery({ criteria: 'item > 10' });
  // What about subsequent async operations?
  await dbQuery({ criteria: 'item < 10' });

async function dbQuery(query) {
  // How do we determine which request context we are in?
  const span = Tracer.startSpan();
  await db.query(query);

In Node.js applications, we can orchestrate many downstream services to provide a composite data to users. What the thing is, if the application goes a long unresponsive downtime, it can be hard to determine which step in our app caused the issue. Node.js experimental builtin module async_hooks can be used to track and maintain a context across the async flow of the request-response. However, they are not perfect in cases, and may get worse while working with async/await since they are part of the language and can not be shimmed by third party vendors.


Tracked async context across executions of async tasks are useful for debugging, testing, and profiling. With async context tracked, we can propagate values in the context along the async flow, in which additional datum can be stored and fetched from without additional manual context transferring, like additional function parameters. Things can be possible without many change of code to introduce async re-entrance to current libraries.

While monkey-patching is quite straightforward solution to track async tasks, there is no way to patch JavaScript features like async/await. Also, monkey-patching only works if all third-party libraries with custom scheduling call a corresponding task awareness registration like AsyncResource.runInAsyncScope. Furthermore, for those custom scheduling third-party libraries, we need to get library owners to think in terms of async context propagation.

In a summary, we would like to have an async context tracking specification right in place of ECMAScript for host environments to take advantage of it, and a standard JavaScript API to enable third-party libraries to work on different host environments seamlessly.


  1. Must be able to automatically link continuous async tasks.
  2. Must provide a way to enable logical re-entrancy.
  3. Must not collide or introduce implicit behavior on multiple tracking instance on single async flow.


  1. Async task tracking and monitoring. Giving access to task scheduling in ECMAScript surfaces concerns from secure ECMAScript environments as it potentially breaking the scopes that a snippet of code can reach.
  2. Error handling & bubbling through async stacks. We'd like to discuss this topic in a separate proposal since this can be another big story to tell, and keep this proposal minimal and easy to use for most of the case.
  3. Async task interception: This can be a cool feature. But it is easy to cause confusion if some imported library can take application owner unaware actions to change the application code running pattern. If there are multiple tracking instance on same async flow, interception can cause collision and implicit behavior if these instances do not cooperate well. Thus at this very initial proposal, we'd like to keep the proposal minimal, and discuss this feature in a follow up proposal.

Possible Solution

AsyncContext are designed as a value store for context propagation across multiple logically-connected sync/async operations.


class AsyncContext<T> {
  static wrap<R>(callback: (...args: any[]) => R): (...args: any[]) => R;

  run<R>(value: T, callback: () => R): R;

  get(): T;

AsyncContext.prototype.run() and AsyncContext.prototype.get() sets and gets the current value of an async execution flow. AsyncContext.wrap() allows you to opaquely capture the current value of all AsyncContexts and execute the callback at a later time with as if those values were still the current values (a snapshot and restore).

const context = new AsyncContext();

// Sets the current value to 'top', and executes the `main` function.
context.run('top', main);

function main() {
  // Context is maintained through other platform queueing.
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log(context.get()); // => 'top'

    context.run('A', () => {
      console.log(context.get()); // => 'A'

      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(context.get()); // => 'A'
      }, randomTimeout());
  }, randomTimeout());

  // Context runs can be nested.
  context.run('B', () => {
    console.log(context.get()); // => 'B'

    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log(context.get()); // => 'B'
    }, randomTimeout());

  // Context was restored after the previous run.
  console.log(context.get()); // => 'top'

  // Captures the state of all AsyncContext's at this moment.
  const snapshotDuringTop = AsyncContext.wrap((cb) => {
      console.log(context.get()); // => 'top'

  // Context runs can be nested.
  context.run('C', () => {
    console.log(context.get()); // => 'C'

    // The snapshotDuringTop will restore all AsyncContext to their snapshot
    // state and invoke the wrapped function. We pass a callback which it will
    // invoke.
    snapshotDuringTop(() => {
      // Despite being lexically nested inside 'C', the snapshot restored us to
      // to the 'top' state.
      console.log(context.get()); // => 'top'

function randomTimeout() {
  return Math.random() * 1000;

Note: There are controversial thought on the dynamic scoping and AsyncContext, checkout SCOPING.md for more details.

Using AsyncContext

Time tracker

// tracker.js

const context = new AsyncContext();
export function run(cb) {
  // (a)
  context.run({ startTime: Date.now() }, cb);

export function elapsed() {
  // (b)
  const elapsed = Date.now() - context.get().startTime;
  console.log('onload duration:', elapsed);
import * as tracker from './tracker.js'

button.onclick = e => {
  // (1)
  tracker.run(() => {
    fetch("https://example.com").then(res => {
      // (2)

      return processBody(res.body).then(data => {
        // (3)

        const dialog = html`<dialog>Here's some cool data: ${data}
                            <button>OK, cool</button></dialog>`;


In the example above, run and elapsed don't share same lexical scope with actual code functions, and they are capable of async reentrance thus capable of concurrent multi-tracking.

Request Context Maintenance

With AsyncContext, maintaining a request context across different execution context is possible. For example, we'd like to print a log before each database query with the request trace id.

First we'll have a module holding the async local instance.

// context.js
const context = new AsyncContext();

export function run(ctx, cb) {
  context.run(ctx, cb);

export function getContext() {
  return context.getValue();

With our owned instance of async context, we can set the value on each request handling call. After setting the context's value, any operations afterwards can fetch the value with the instance of async context.

import { createServer } from 'http';
import { run } from './context.js';
import { queryDatabase } from './db.js';

const server = createServer(handleRequest);

async function handleRequest(req, res) {
  run({ req }, () => {
    // ... do some async work
    // await...
    // await...
    const result = await queryDatabase({ very: { complex: { query: 'NOT TRUE' } } });
    res.statusCode = 200;

So we don't need an additional parameter to the database query functions. Still, it's easy to fetch the request data and print it.

// db.js
import { getContext } from './context.js';
export function queryDatabase(query) {
  const ctx = getContext();
  console.log('query database by request %o with query %o',
  return doQuery(query);

In this way, we can have a context value propagated across the async execution flow and keep track of the value without any other efforts.

Prior Arts


Zones proposed a Zone object, which has the following API:

class Zone {
  constructor({ name, parent });

  get parent();

  fork({ name });

  static get current();

The concept of the current zone, reified as Zone.current, is crucial. Both run and wrap are designed to manage running the current zone:

  • z.run(callback) will set the current zone to z for the duration of callback, resetting it to its previous value afterward. This is how you "enter" a zone.
  • z.wrap(callback) produces a new function that essentially performs z.run(callback) (passing along arguments and this, of course).

The current zone is the async context that propagates with all our operations. In our above example, sites (1) through (6) would all have the same value of Zone.current. If a developer had done something like:

const loadZone = Zone.current.fork({ name: "loading zone" });
window.onload = loadZone.wrap(e => { ... });

then at all those sites, Zone.current would be equal to loadZone.

Node.js domain module

Domain's global central active domain can be consumed by multiple endpoints and be exchanged in any time with synchronous operation (domain.enter()). Since it is possible that some third party module changed active domain on the fly and application owner may unaware of such change, this can introduce unexpected implicit behavior and made domain diagnosis hard.

Check out Domain Module Postmortem for more details.

Node.js async_hooks

This is what the proposal evolved from. async_hooks in Node.js enabled async resources tracking for APM vendors. On which Node.js also implemented AsyncLocalStorage.

Chrome Async Stack Tagging API

Frameworks can schedule tasks with their own userland queues. In such case, the stack trace originated from the framework scheduling logic tells only part of the story.

Error: Call stack
  at someTask (example.js)
  at loop (framework.js)

The Chrome Async Stack Tagging API introduces a new console method named console.createTask(). The API signature is as follows:

interface Console {
  createTask(name: string): Task;

interface Task {
  run<T>(f: () => T): T;

console.createTask() snapshots the call stack into a Task record. And each Task.run() restores the saved call stack and append it to newly generated call stacks.

Error: Call stack
  at someTask (example.js)
  at loop (framework.js)          // <- Task.run
  at async someTask               // <- Async stack appended
  at schedule (framework.js)      // <- console.createTask
  at businessLogic (example.js)