
Extract information from any websites using openAI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tackle Net Backend Project


  • It can extract main information about the website including title, description, media link.

  • It can find all the bait products by surfing all the pages recursively.

  • It can extract product information including title, description, price, sku, all media link

Install Guide

Environment Setup

  • PORT : Port number
  • OPENAI_API_KEY : Custom OpenAI API key
  • CHROMIUM : Path where chromium is installed.
  • TIME_OUT : API response timeout

Start Project

On Local

  • npm run start

  • dev mode: npm run dev

Docker Setup

  • Docker build: docker-compose build

  • Docker run process: docker-compose up -d


  1. Use puppeteer to fetch all content from the webpage and visit all subpages.

  2. Use ChatGPT APIs, extract information from the content.

  3. After getting all pages, filter product page.

  4. Get detailed information from the product page