
nuxt page cache module

Primary LanguageJavaScript


nuxt 2 page cache module. lightweight and straightforward


npm i nuxt-cache-module -S
// nuxt.config.js

modules: [
      hashKey: true,
      keyBuilder: (route, context) => {
        return ''
      expireTime: 1000,
      cacheBuilder: (context) => {
        // build your cache or get it from somewhere
        return cache
      hitHeader: 'x-page-cache',
      shouldCache: (route, context) => {
        return true
      shouldSave: (context) => {
        // error flag found
        return !context.req.pageRenderError


Property Type Required? Description
hashKey boolean false set true will hash the cache key
keyBuilder function false used to create the cache key, receive route and context params same as nuxt's renderRoute function official doc, default builder use route as the key
expireTime number false cache expire time, default 1800s
cacheBuilder function true pass context and return the cache instance you use
shouldCache function true filter the route, return false will not use cache
hitHeader string false set the given header to hit if hit cache
shouldSave function false you may not want to save a page with error in cache


  • shouldCache called before page render, shouldSave called after page render.
  • your cache instance should support get and set method which used as follows:
cache.get(key).then((res) => {}).catch(() => {})

cache.set(key, val, 'EX', expireTime).then(() => {}).catch(() => {})


this cache is up to the user to provide.

the example below use koa and ioredis.


const Redis = require('ioredis')

// build the cache instance before server start listen
const redisClient = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const client = new Redis({
      host: config.redis.host,
      port: config.redis.port,
      connectTimeout: 10000,
      maxRetriesPerRequest: 1,
      // set app version in the key prefix
      keyPrefix: `${yourproject}${yourversion}`,
      retry_strategy (times) {
        // reconnect after
        return 100
    client.on('connect', () => {
    client.on('error', (e) => {
  }).catch((e) => {

 // inject cache to ctx in server app middleware, so the cache builder can get it.
 app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    if (redisClient) {
      ctx.cache = redisClient
    await next()


['nuxt-cache-module', {
      hashKey: true,
      keyBuilder: (route, context) => {
      expireTime: 1800,
      hitHeader: 'x-page-cache',
      cacheBuilder: (context) => {
        // get cache from ctx
        return context.req && context.req.ctx.cache
      shouldCache: (route, context) => {
          const r = route.split(/[?#]/)[0]
          // I use regex to check the route, only home page is allowed to cache
          if (pageRegex.home.test(r)) {
            return true
      shouldSave: (context) => {