Otago Polytechnic Web Development Fundamentals Assignment 2020.

Marilyn Manson Revolver Interview

Marilyn Manson Website for New Album, We Are Chaos.

🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵

Website allows users to signup for updates on the albums release.
Signup details are added to a database file on a remote MongoDB server/service (Mongo Atlas). User can sign-up for updates on future tour dates

Marilyn Manson Heroku Deployment Link

Mariyn Manson Heroku

Current Issues

  1. Spotify API calls break the site when deployed to Heroku
  2. User sign up functionality not yet complete
  3. Responive website styles not yet completed
  4. Website needs a Intersection Observer implemented to handle scrolling which occurs below the hero section
  5. User signup forms return and displays JSON data object to the user. This needs to only return handlebars partial html

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