
Primary LanguagePython

If you do not yet have a Binance account please use my referal link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=12559326

  1. Get a VPS, https://console.cloud.google.com has a free micro instance that is sufficient for running this bot.

  2. Get a telegram bot token from https://telegram.me/botfather and write it down somewhere.

  3. ssh into the machine.

    1. make sure you have all deps installed: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git ipython python2.7 virtualenv python-dev tmux.
    2. clone this repo.

setup python env

  1. cd into the project directory.
  2. create a python virtual env with virtualenv .pyenv
  3. start the env using the helper scipt with . pyenv.sh
  4. install the requirments with pip install -r requirments.txt
  5. write your token into telegram.bot.token with echo <TOKEN> > telegram.bot.token
  6. mkdir data

Running the bot

  1. cd into the project directory.
  2. start tmux with tmux.
  3. start the env using the helper scipt with . pyenv.sh
  4. open ipython with ipython
  5. load the script with %run script.py
  6. run the script with main()

If you want to disconnect then detach from tmux with Ctrl+b d. To reattach use tmux a

To monitor the logs run tail -f log.txt in a separate tmux pane/window/session/terminal/planet/galaxy.

To set it to run on reboot add reboot SHELL=/bin/bash <path to daemon.sh> to your crontab -e

Keys setup

  1. text your bot: /start <API_KEY> <API_SECRET> to register your keys.


  • Add instructions on how to run the script on boot in case the machine restarts.
  • Do this guide on a fresh machine to make sure i did not forget any steps.

Making money off this ? Please donate me a cup of coffe/beer:

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ETH: 0x1A6B538A2D53212Dd1FDEd06bE746101C746b7B6

BTC: 13RiGBZDhyHKWMfd6CVny1ViykEsyJshau