The utility provides the ability to access an IMAP4 account on a server with XOAUTH2 authentication.
There are several use-cases:
A server is created that proxies requests to the upstream imap4 server. The downstream server can be protected by another authentication method.
Operation in tunnel mode. Commands are received from stdin and sent to the upstream imap4 server and the response is broadcast to stdout. See for more informartion.
The utility uses a config file to store authentication information.
provider = "microsoft"
tenant = "<<< tenant id or naae >>>"
client-id = "<<< your client id >>>"
username = "<<< your username or email here >>>"
tokens-file = "/home/user/.tokens"
server = ""
port = 10143
username = "example"
password = "secret"
For tunnel mode, the downstream
section is not required.
email-oauth2-proxy -- An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method.
- -- The script obtains and prints a valid OAuth2 access token.
oauth2imap is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3.