
Tool that allows to automatically inject/bind dependencies into the prefabs instantiated at runtime by the standard Unity 3D instantiation flow

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Zenject-DynamicObjectInjection is a tool that allows to automatically inject/bind dependencies into the prefabs instantiated at runtime by the standard Unity 3D instantiation flow.

As the additional side product, it's also allow to use all power of Zenject framework in Service Locator Pattern style.

What it's all about

If you want to instantiate a prefab at runtime and have any MonoBehaviour's automatically injected, Zenject framework force you to instantiate game object through factory or using the special DiContainer.InstantiatePrefab method. In most cases, it works fine, but sometimes especially if you use 3d-party solutions, it can become a problem.

This tool solves this problem allowing you to use standard Object.Instantiate method and will ensure any MonoBehaviour's fields that are marked with the [Inject] attribute are filled in properly, and all [Inject] methods within the prefab are called as it happens when prefab is instantiated in Zenject recommended way.

As an addition, this tool automatically binds all components configured in ZenjectBinding MonoBehaviour attached to the instantiated prefabs.

How to use

To inject dependencies in runtime instantiated prefab you only need to add a ZenjectDynamicObjectInjection MonoBehaviour to the root game object of the prefab.

After instantiating of the prefab, all dependencies will be automatically resolved, by doing a lookup in the most 'local' container towards to the instantiated game object, and injected on Awake() phase before game object MonoBehaviour's will have their Awake() method called.

Dynamic GameObject

Moreover if you also need to bind game object MonoBehaviour's to the Zenject container, you can do this by adding a ZenjectBinding MonoBehaviour to the prefab and configuring it in a usual way.

Dynamic GameObject with binding


To install the tool you need to follow next steps:

  1. Install Zenject framework v5.2.0 or higher.
  2. Clone this repo and copy the UnityProject/Assets/Plugins/ZenjectDynamicObjectInjection directory to your own Unity3D project.

Service Locator Pattern

“Dear Friend, the author fully understands that use of the Service Locator Pattern contradicts ideas of dependency injections but this tool is not positioned as the replacement for the regular Zenject flow but as an opportunity to sometimes cut off a corner and pays more attention to the delivering happiness to players.”

Registering services

Service could be registered in a project container

public class SomeService : MonoBehaviour, ISomeService
    private void Awake()

or in the most 'local' container of specified context type to the target scene, game object or component.

public class SomeService : MonoBehaviour, ISomeService
    private void Awake()

Locating services

Similarly to services registration service could be located in a project container

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)

or in the most 'local' container.

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)


Zenject-DynamicObjectInjection is distributed under the MIT license. Please keep the existing headers.


Developer Alexandr Pereverzev - a.v.pereverzev@gmail.com