A cookiecutter
template for Django/Nodejs(React)/Nginx/Postgres. The main idea behind this project to create an easily configurable and easy to use django development/production environment for any project.
- Docker requires a 64-bit OS.
- Install the docker(1.12.1) - https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/
- docker-compose(1.8.0) -
pip install docker-compose
- Requirements for cookiecutter:
apt-get install python-dev
- Then get cookiecutter:
pip install Markdown cookiecutter
- Finally enter the directory where you want to store your project and enter the following:
cookiecutter https://github.com/legios89/django-docker-bootstrap.git
- project_name: The name of the project.
- repo_name: The directory name(automtically generated from the project_name).
- db_password: The postgres user password for the database.
- use_translation: Translation integration(Rosetta, ModelTransalation, admin integration).
- use_react: React, NodeJS, React-Router to replace the django frontend.
- admin_name: The name of the admin user who will receive the error messages.
- admin_email: The email address of the admin user who will receive the error messages.
- email_host_user: The gmail email address what the system can use to send emails.
- email_host_password: The gmail email address password what the system can use to send emails.
- Build the images:
bash buildall.sh
- Start the project:
docker-compose up
- You can set every secret variable in the
in the root - If you want to run the project in production mode you need to set the following environment variable:
- https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/overview/#compose-file
- Every image has a container_shared directory linked as a volume, so if you want to put something inside the container, or you want to get something from the containers like a backup file you just need to copy everything into this directory.
- Create a bash alias for for the docker-compose by edit the
filealias dc='docker-compose'
- Enter the container as root:
dc run --rm postgres shell root
- You can use vim in every container.
- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-04
- better prompt: https://github.com/vertisfinance/gitprompt
- The data volume, automatically created on the first start, which will contains every data.
- You can find it in every container in here:
- postgres
- postgresql-9.4
- The 5433 port is open by default if you want to connect the db with a client
- Commands:
- start - start the database
- shell - start a bash shell
dc run --rm postgres shell
- backup - create a backup (
)dc run --rm postgres backup
- restore - restore from a backup (
)dc run --rm postgres restore
- django-python3
- The projects can be found under the /src/ directory
- Installed Apps:
- Django: 1.10.1
- uWSGI:
- psycopg2: 2.6.2
- django-debug-toolbar: 1.5
- djangorestframework: 3.4.6 + optional packages
- django-cleanup: 0.4.2
- django-extensions: 1.7.4
- django-compressor: 2.1
- django-rosetta: 0.7.12 [optional]
- django-modeltranslation: 0.11 [optional]
- Commands:
- shell -start a bash shell
dc run --rm django shell
- start_runserver - in development mode this will start django runserver
- start_uwsgi - in production mode this will start the uwsgi
- shell -start a bash shell
- nginx
- Commands:
- shell -start a bash shell
dc run --rm nginx shell
- shell -start a bash shell
- Installed Apps:
- Nginx: 1.8.1
- nodejs [optional]
- Commands:
- shell -start a bash shell
dc run --rm nodejs shell
- start_build - start the react build process than exit
dc run --rm nodejs start_build
- start_watchify - start the watchify process for the development mode
- Installed Apps:
- nodejs: 4.x.x
- npm: 2.x.x
- Installed Packages: [automatically installed]
- react: 15.3.1,
- react-dom: 15.3.1,
- babelify: 7.3.0,
- babel-preset-react: 6.11.1,
- browserify: 13.1.0,
- watchify: 3.7.0,
- react-router: 2.8.0
- shell -start a bash shell