
Let you trace game release

Primary LanguagePython


build status

This project is used to trace my interested galgames. It records each game's release date, and my playing status.

This is a Django project and currently hosting on Heroku.


Special Commands

Upload Private Settings

Avaliable in galtrace.settings.development

Precondition: galtrace/settings/secret.json exists. For more information, please see Notes.

python manage.py gt_push


Avaliable in galtrace.settings.development

python manage.py gt_test


I use Google API to send emails on Heroku. Please create an installed application client ID, then set GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_SECRET in galtrace/settings/secret.json respectively. Follow oauth2.py example to gain a refresh token, and save the token as EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD.

This project doesn't provide registering right now.

Development configuration will read galtrace/settings/secret.json, which is encrypted by my private gpg key. You must create your own one.