A gulp task that compiles less files, applies the autoprefixer postcss processor, generates sourcemaps and a minified version.
The following example will compile all the less files under the folder less
into to output folder public
It creates the following files:
- demo.css - the uncompressed css file including the sourcemap definition
- demo.min.css - the minified css file
var gulp = require('gulp');
var lessTask = require( 'lernetz-less-gulp-task' );
gulp.task( 'less', lessTask( { name:'demo', desc:'public', src:'less/main.less' } ) );
The task accepts an parameter object with the following attributes:
name: 'name', // the file name of the generated files
src: 'src/**.ts', // the source parameter for the gulp.src( .. )
dest: 'public', // the destination used in gulp.dest( .. )
less: {}, // options for the less compiler used in gulp-less: https://github.com/plus3network/gulp-less#options
prefixer: { cascade: true } // options for the gulp-autoprefixer: https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-autoprefixer#options