One of our beloved old project, we usually bring this project for expos.
You can read more about gym-retro at this link:
For the installation, conda is required!
To install the project, just clone the repository, and then run the following commands.
conda env create -f environment.yml #Creates a v. environment with the requered packages
conda activate mkombat #Activates it
python -m retro.import Mortal\ Kombat\ II\ \(World\).md #Imports the game
And that is all! At an expo, we usually run the You must run it in the examples folder!
cd example_codes/
If you ever want to remove the project, just delete the folder, and remove the v environment.
rm -r reinforcement_learning/
conda deactivate
conda remove --name mkombat --all
Read the upstream wiki to get started with this project, or RL in general.