- Example from sklearn with different decision surfaces
- Arbitrary order factorization machines
- Blog "datas-frame" (contains posts about effective Pandas usage)
- Preprocessing in Sklearn
- Andrew NG about gradient descent and feature scaling
- Feature Scaling and the effect of standardization for machine learning algorithms
- Discover Feature Engineering, How to Engineer Features and How to Get Good at It
- Discussion of feature engineering on Quora
- Tutorial to Word2vec
- Tutorial to word2vec usage
- Text Classification With Word2Vec
- Introduction to Word Embedding Models with Word2Vec
- How to Retrain Inception's Final Layer for New Categories in Tensorflow
- Fine-tuning Deep Learning Models in Keras
- Perfect score script by Oleg Trott - used to probe leaderboard
- Page about data leakages on Kaggle
- Evaluation Metrics for Classification Problems: Quick Examples + References
- Decision Trees: “Gini” vs. “Entropy” criteria
- Understanding ROC curves
- Learning to Rank using Gradient Descent - original paper about pairwise method for AUC optimization
- Overview of further developments of RankNet
- RankLib (implemtations for the 2 papers from above)
- Learning to Rank Overview
- Tuning the hyper-parameters of an estimator (sklearn)
- Optimizing hyperparameters with hyperopt
- Complete Guide to Parameter Tuning in Gradient Boosting (GBM) in Python
- Far0n's framework for Kaggle competitions "kaggletils"
- https://www.dataquest.io/blog/jupyter-notebook-tips-tricks-shortcuts/
- Multicore t-SNE implementation
- Comparison of Manifold Learning methods (sklearn)
- How to Use t-SNE Effectively (distill.pub blog)
- tSNE homepage (Laurens van der Maaten)
- Example: tSNE with different perplexities (sklearn)